5 || How about No?

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Two weeks after the 'first date' and I still hadn't talked to Collin again. I had avoided him at all costs. Ellie was starting to get angry with me.

"He deserves to at least have a second date." She whined one afternoon.

"He doesn't deserve anything, I don't owe anyone anything Ellie." She sighed.

"What if he was your Prince Charming Charlotte. You could've lived happily ever after." She was still pushing me.

"Life is full of freaking 'what ifs' Ellie." She opened her mouth to respond but I beat her to it. "What if he was the one? What if I fail this test? What if I had hit that car? What if I got into Harvard? We can't depend on them."

"But we can hope that the good will shine through. I really thought you could make this work Lottie. I thought maybe for once you could be happy."

"You don't think I'm happy?"

"I think you're jealous of me and Riley."

"Oh my god. I'm happy with my life Ellie Klys. I like playing music and watching the X-Files and going out alone or third-wheeling, I like where I am. I'm really fricken' happy right now. You trying to give me what I already have is just like taking it away."

Ellie's face was turning red. I knew this was not going to be going into the friendship scrapbook.

"I just wanted you to have your own damn 'Happily Ever After' Charlotte."

"Have you seen me Ell?" My voice softened. "I'm a nerd, a nobody, who happens to be friends with the popular kids. I'm a freaking musical prodigy.

People like me, we don't get a 'Happily Ever After.' We get mediocre, we get sadness, we get divorce and pain. This isn't a romance movie, or a teen novel, the nerd won't get the boy, she won't fall in love, and she won't run into the sunset with the boy of her dreams."

We sat in silence for a while before Ellie looked out my window, then back to me.

"We should do something."

"It's three p.m. on a Saturday. Everything's gonna close in two hours."

"Not the mall." She winked at me

"The mall? Seriously? What would we do at the mall?"

"We could go into that music shop.." I groaned, Ellie knew my weaknesses.

"Fine. Let's go."

Ellie looked me once over, but shook her head. I pushed myself out of my beanbag, and straightened my gray top.

"Can we get tacos on the way in?" I grinned like an idiot at her, and Ellie sighed.

"You're way too white, next thing I know, you'll be wanting Star Bucks. This is my job Lottie."

I grinned at her, and she lead the way out of my house to her car.

The mall was twenty minutes from my house, and less when Ellie speed in her pink Benz. It wasn't really hers, it was her sister's, but all the same.

She didn't get me tacos, but she let me spend half and hour in the music shop, which I was thankful for.

I was checking out as he walked in.

"Shi-oot Ellie, it's Collin." I muttered, she looked over from the CD rack she was browsing.
She wiggled her eyebrows and made a kissy face at me. I glared in return.

"Um, 20.46" The cashier said, annoyed with me.

"El spot me a buck." I was too loud. Collin looked up at me. I waved awkwardly and the cashier glared at me.

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