Chapter 3 Confession through thoughts

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Okami POV

All I saw is a blur when I slip on the little puddles on the elevator floor, how can I be so careless at that moment? Wrapping my arms around Ritsu head protecting it as we fallen harshly onto the hard tile floor. Landing on the floor with a loud thump causes my heart racing to see if Onodera was alright but it cross out my mind. The reason it crosses out of my mind is because my lips were brushing lighting on Ritsu's. I have intended to kiss him from earlier while we were at the park but was interrupted. My mind was being frizzy at the moment since I do love Onodera Ritsu but knowing my adorable friend can't never love me back. I fell in love with him since he came to London but always denied so that why I have dated my ex-girlfriend back then but my heart knew I fell for the lovely brunette. I wonder if he fallen for me as well? What kind of question is that of course not that, maybe not even in a million years. Even he did fall for me back then but now Onodera is falling back in love with the man, he dated back then.

Lifting my head up seeing Onodera beautiful emerald green eyes that shimmer of the moonlight. Locking our eyes shock due by our light kiss from our little accident. A hint of redness slowly appears on my friend cheeks. I couldn't help but giggle lightly until I heard a deep demonic voice

"What the hell is going on here"

Damn it. I'm gonna died and just on my first day at Marukawa Company. Seeing the other man pushing me violently off of Ritsu before placing him behind with the other men's. Is this Saga..I mean Takano Masamune? His amber golden eyes seem to fill with jealousy and hatred wondering why I was on top of him before I could open my mouth Onodera just suddenly move in front of me as if he were protecting me from his lover.

Onodera POV

I couldn't help but get in the way between Ryo and Masamune as if I have a choice right now. Breathing heavily in fear I couldn't look in those beautiful amber golden eyes since Takano-san is feeling depressed right now. What kind of choice did I have? I couldn't let Masamune starting a fight with my cru..I mean best friend. Clearing my throat before having the courage to speak in front of Takano-san and the rest.

"This is Okami Ryo, the new editor for Kazu-sensei even he may look Japanese but he's actually half Japanese and half British with a father who Japanese and a mother who British" Ritsu introduced

"Arigato Onodera, Gomenasai for the incident right now due to the rain half an hour ago, we're still soaking wet, Again gomenasai for the incident it'll not happen again" Ryo apologize.

He bowed down in 90-degree angle hoping for Takano-san to forgive. I couldn't help but let my heart beat furiously. The look on my boss was unknown I couldn't tell by his expression but all I know is that he still angry about Ryo being on top of me and also when he kind of kiss me by accident! Wishing this situation never in the first place if Ryo would just give me a quick kiss then none of this would ever happen. Did I admitted the feelings I still have for Ryo to this very day? Tsk, guess I'm still in love with Ryo no matter how many time I tried denying my feelings for him but was no use I love Okami Ryo and Takano Masamune. Damn it! Why am I in love with two mens, I'll only hurt both of them one day. I just know it that what's always happen in love triangles! Love triangles? Huh, never thought I'll be in one until now.

Hearing a sigh of annoyance from Takano-san made me snap out of my thoughts on how I felt about Ryo right now. Giving the usual looks every day just made my heart beat a bit easier this time. My boss walked to Ryo while moving me out of the way gently with Kisa-san. I didn't know what would happen between the two men's I love but hopefully that both of them would treat others kindly.

Takano POV

The anger and jealousy still linger inside my heart deeply but I couldn't bare to let Onodera see that dark side of me. Who knows what he'll of think of me, probably a monster. That something I don't want to be call by the man I cherish the most. This Ryo guy is just getting in the way of Ritsu confessing his love to me. I don't know if they dated or not while my beloved was in England but losing the man I love to him would be the worst things that could happen since I love Onodera Ritsu too much. Ever since I lost him for ten years and with everything else weighing upon me put me in so much stress and do things I regret to this day. If I lost my beloved Ritsu I could never be the same person again as I am to this day as the editor-in-chief for shoujo mangas.

Giving a fake friendly smile to Okami-san (More like my enemy) as I bowed down at a 90-degree angle as well. Can't believe I'm doing this to apologize for this jackass since he was on top of my Ritsu. It's for the best for frightening Onodera and since this is Kazu-sensei new editor I can't argue with him at all at least not right now.

"I apologize as well since I'm very overprotective with Onodera since he still a novice even after a year working here in the Emerald Department"

"It's no problem at least since Onodera is still kawaii and kinfbhearted man I know"

I swear I'm gonna kill this bastard and how dare he call my little Ritsu kawaii. I notice a hint of a blush creeping up on the young editor face. Kisa-san smirk at the brunette while Onodera kept on blushing even more. I did my best to ignore it but was pretty difficult since I get jealous pretty easily and overprotective with my lover. I promise to myself that I won't let my beloved being stolen by the likes of him not in front of my eyes.

Third POV

A friendly handshake between both men calling a truce for the little incident but now hopefully everything doesn't get out of control again, At least, that's what Onodera hopes while drying his hair with a small towel (Kisa given him one). The flashback of the light kiss between Ritsu and Ryo during the fall brought another blush creeping up on the youngest editor face. Kisa-san notice it's too and decided to have a little fun with him "Oi, Ritsu is Ryo-kun your boyfriend?"


Having his hands on top of his head feeling the pain after being whacked by two hardcover books from Onodera who face was fully red like a dark cherry. Hatori and Mino were holding in their laughter after knowingly that Kisa-san did deserve that. The brunette headed to the break room while waiting for Takano-san to bring his clothes. Sighing quietly to himself make him realize that Masamune is probably hurt right now since he did defense his best friend. What was he suppose to do? let Ryo get tear to shed by the demon editor in chief? Rubbing his hair out of stress and anger knowing that Onodera would have to apologize to his boss/lover. Why the hell is he suppose to apologize for anyway? He didn't want a fight started in the Department and would cause Ryo and Masamune jobs so the young editor has to keep everything in peace.

Biting his lower lip harshly causing him to overthink the problem now between him and Masamune. Bowing his head to the floor while silently rain of rivers flowed down Onodera cheeks

Ryo, Onodera, Takano thoughts

R: That kiss....from earlier

O: That kiss...from earlier

T: When Onodera and that Ryo guy fall I wonder did they kiss? I can't help myself but be angry and jealous

O: It felt so nice and gently but....

R: I believe I'm falling for Ritsu even more especially that kiss

T: If Ryo tries kissing my little Ritsu again, I'm gonna kill that bastard since Onodera is my true love and first person to ever love

O: Feels so different when Masamune kiss me during those times when he get upset. Ryo lips felt with pureness and passion but also warm as well

Third POV

Ritsu stares at the ceiling without concerning the tiny water droplets trailing down his cheeks resisting the pain and suffering inside his aching heart. Covering his tearful face with both hands sobbing quietly.

Why? Why? Why did I have to fall in love with Ryo and Masamune?, thought Ritsu


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