Chapter 14: Reunited

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Tick tock tick tock any seconds now Christmas eve will come and the day of Masamune birthday. The amber eyes stare at the city out as the white snow silently landed on his hand. Seeing the city light across the bridge also the memories when he came here last time with Ritsu. Admitting his relationship with Yokozawa but also confessing that he never forgot about the brunette. The most beautiful man on earth he had come to love sudden been taken from his grasp. Eight months without seeing Onodera in person has been killing Masamune on the inside as much on the outside.

Letting a sad sigh out with a small fog escape from his mouth, missing his Ritsu dearly. The editor in chief has been wondering if Ritsu's married or not. Just the thought of it clenched the amber-eyed man heart. He only calls the brunette a few times just one month after they say their say goodbye. Wasn't Onodera fault that he fallen in love with him also Ryo. If he hasn't laugh that day then maybe, maybe none of this would've happened in the first place. He wanted to shed tears every day and night either at work or after work. Ritsu may not be the first person he dated but he is first true love.

His voice sings inside Masamune mind when the first time he spoke to me. All he said was his name with a hint of blush on his cheeks. The way he spoke and acted all awkward at the moment made the raven-haired man laugh a bit on the inside. When they made love for the first time in his bedroom was the best night of his life. The wonderful memories of the past and the present finally brought the tears leaving Masamune amber eyes. The warm tears stream down the editor-in-chief frozen cheeks. The thought of losing Ritsu would be the last thing he needs to be broken again.

Masamune, I love you

Those words would whispers over and over again before the older man would fall asleep. The loneliness without his beloved meant nothing in life. He can never be happy the same ever again. Inside his hand lies Onodera promise ring that the young brunette has to give up in order to say goodbye one last time. If the young brunette were to return to him right now Masamune wouldn't hesitate to place the ring back on his finger. He wanted to see him, hug him, kiss him, and love him.

"Masamune," said a voice

Masamune POV

I thought my ears were tricking at the moment as I heard Ritsu voice. Ever since we parted ways I couldn't forget about him. Onodera Ritsu has always been on my mind none stop with his voice and smile. Even I wish for my beloved to return in my arms but I know that it won't ever happen. I would give anything to with him. I'll never see him ever again for the rest of my life.

"Don't say that!!!" shouted the voice

Snapping out of my thoughts as I turn around seeing my beloved breathing heavily in of me. Cover in snow from hair to shoulders with a wedding gown that captures his beautiful figure. What caught me off guard the most was that Onodera wasn't wearing any shoes or jacket at all. Rushing toward him while taking my jacket off after I wipe the snow off his shoulders and hair.

"What you were thinking Ritsu? Letting the snow cover you like that."

"I wanted to see you Masamune"

My heart flutters just hearing him say that but my main concern about Ritsu getting sick. Covering his body with my jacket as the coldness brushes against my arms. What was Onodera thinking running outside in the show barefooted and also not wearing a jacket? Placing my arms around him tightly as my jacket cover his body. His cheeks and hands felt like frozen ices.

"Are you still cold Ritsu?"

"No, I'm not cold anymore since I'm with you now"

"Why did you come?"

"What do you mean why?"

"Aren't you marrying Ryo!!!"

"The wedding and engagement if off. I decided not to marry Ryo"


"My heart and love only belong you"

I couldn't help myself but place my lips against Ritsu's. His lips were warm despair the harsh cold winter winds. I felt him kissing back with his arms wrapping my neck. Our lips move in sync as Onodera moan lightly during the kiss. Heavy breathing and hearing my beloved moan just drove my mind insane. Soon our lips were separated taking in a deep breathe before I kiss Ritsu cheek.

"How did you know I was here?"

"Where else would you be on your birthday and also this is my favorite place to be with you"


"Takano Masamune, I love you and always will forever"

"I love you too, Onodera Ritsu"

Onodera POV

Masamune places our forehead together with our hand intertwined as one. He kissed my cheeks, nose, and lips once more when I saw a familiar silver jewel. My promise rings that Masamune has given to me on my birthday. He slid the ring on my right ring finger which brought a smile upon of faces.

"Onodera Ritsu, will you stay with me forever and be my future husband"


Masamune slowly places his lips on my own starting a passion kiss. It didn't start to be all rough and heavily making out but just a simple kiss. All of the sudden Masamune lifted me in the air without looking away from my eyes. He spin us letting laughter and happiness out after being separated for several months. We fell down on the snow together laughing once more. This is worth the wait after being away from Masamune for so long but now we're together as lovers. 

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