Chapter 4: New Editor vs Editor-in chief

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Thirty minutes pass by quickly and Takano came back with some dry clothes for Onodera to change out of his wet ones since he gonna catch a cold if he wears his soaking wet clothes all day. Though it didn't matter to the brunette who was busy looking at the manuscript for his authors. The manga of Phantom of the Opera still seems to be a big hit especially since Kazu-sensei is in a writer's blocks. Seem like Shira's-chan is having difficult between herself and the Phantom since her childhood friend is starting to be suspicious about the Phantom talking with her. So now Shira is helping the mysterious man hidden for awhile but didn't know how much she falling for the Phantom even though she loved Kou-chan during childhood.

Ritsu sigh knowing the feeling of how Shira's situation is going at the moment right now having the difficulties of being in love with two guys who cherish her with their life. Continuing working on his other authors manuscript for the next hour while thinking about what's Takano-san so long until being whacked on the head by a rolled paper. Speak of the devil, Takano-san came by with a hat filled with papers and some envelopes in the other hand. Looked pretty fancy must be invitation cards for the ball that the company is hosting for Kazu-sensei birthday. The mysterious author has a weird taste for the medieval times and the clothing styles, especially for the women wedding gowns. Who can blame him? There are some Celtic wedding dresses and others are very beautiful, the rivals between kingdoms and young royals children running away from home to live a normal life.

Onodera would love to have the chance of getting away from his family especially his mother since she always nagging about him getting married to An-chan. His father however on the other hand never agree to the engagement in the first place, it was all Onodera Mama idea putting the young brunette under so much pressure. At least the engagement is finally dissolved and everything is back to normal. Now being in the other situation is who does he really want to be with for the rest of his life? Masamune or Ryo?

The consequences of choosing one of the men's he loves and cherish could lead something he'll regret for the rest of his life. The thought of the whole situation snaps him out of it after Kisa-san elbows him in the ribs.

"Ow! What the hell was that for?" the brunette yell

"Revenge and here the little paper I pick out the hat for the costume you're going to wear at Kazu-sensei birthday party. Oh! Almost forgot here the invitation"


It might be just the time to forget about the whole incident between Ryo and himself earlier including the love triangle business and starts focusing on Kazu-sensei birthday and also find the costume that Kisa-san has chosen for him

Meanwhile at the garden of Marukawa

Bold: Masamune

Italics: Ryo

The editor-in-chief decided to take a cigarette break outside the building so the scent of it wouldn't disturb the other editors and authors as well. Retracing the incident earlier today brought a huge impact of jealousy and anger inside Masamune heart. Though he couldn't lost control of temper, not in front of his co-workers, especially Onodera since the last time he got angry like that is when Haitani wouldn't stop bothering the young brunette. The fear inside Ritsu's eyes was the last things that the raven haired wanted to see. He never wanted to give a cold glare to anyone until Haitani decided to mess with them.

His head and mind were getting frizzy since when he saw that Ryo guy being on top of his lover made the raven-haired wanting smack the other editor but couldn't bring himself to do it. He won't let Onodera leave him again not this time and especially in the hands of that newbie editor. Dropping the cigarette on the concrete before putting it out with his foot.

"You should really lay off the cigarette," said a familiar voice

"You're the one to talk newbie" replied Masamune

Hearing a light chuckle from the new editor who was having a cigarette break as well outside the building. Exhaling the smoke from his mouth slowly while holding the cigarette between his fingers. Giving a deadly cold glare toward the amber gold eyed man while circling around him slowly. He moved slowly and patiently as if he were a vulture himself seeing the prey slowly die to its death.

"What do you want Ryo?"

"Easy, I want you to stay away from Ritsu. You're only causing trouble to himself whether he loves you or not"

"My relationship between Ritsu and I is none of your damn business"

"But it is after he came to Marukawa a year ago we wrote to each other and he said that you would always put yourself on him."

"That because I don't want any other men's going near the man I love since high school especially the likes of you"

Grabbing Masamune by the collarbone of his shirt before pushing him against the harsh brick wall. Giving a terrifying deadly look in his Navy blue eyes but the chief kept a straight face showing no fear or mercy toward the other editor. I won't show my fear to him, he's nothing compared to Haitani, Takano thought. His hands gripped on Ryo arms before twisting it violently which causes the man to exclaim in pain. The chief landed on the concrete a bit harshly before swishing his leg underneath Ryo legs which causes him to land on his back on the hard concrete. Grabbing the raven haired by the neck and place him against the same hard brick wall. Masamune kept his head down while actually harshly holding Ryo neck while giving the same death glare to Haitani many months ago.

"I won't give up on Ritsu and no one will stop me. Not even you Okami-san"

"Neither would I give up on Ritsu as well since I love him too deeply"

Both men giving a deadly glare to each others that knowingly that they'll fight for Ritsu's love but can't force their love upon the young brunette. Masamune slowly releases Ryo neck and backed away from him but stop giving him a cold glare neither did Ryo.

"Ritsu will never love you again Saga Masamune"

"I know that he'll never love Saga Masamune since that me in the past. I love Onodera Ritsu the man I love today in the present, not in the past. He loves the present me, Takano Masamune"

The two editor return to their places with the hatred inside their hearts for each others knowing that both of them won't back down for their love for Onodera Ritsu.


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