Chapter 8 The music of the night pt 1

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This chapter is dedicated to DomesticalLover  for commenting on the last character that encourage me to write this chapter 

Onodera POV

I couldn't think straight during work as my mind kept memorizing the sweet kiss Masamune and I share last night. We're slow dancing in my living room and the next thing I know I felt Masamune placing his lips on mine. The kiss was filled with passion and something else that just can't be described. Placing my fingers onto my lips as I remember Masamune soft and warm lips. No matter how hard I tried to forget about it I just can't, not ever for one second. I'm still upset that Masamune couldn't go the party tonight since I hope we could dance just once. He's such an amazing dancer maybe Masamune must have taken dance lesson while I was away in England.

The more I thought about Masamune the faster my heart beats every second nonstop. I couldn't help but smile and felt safe with him. Though not tonight I felt so empty without him by my side even if Ryo is going with me at the party. Sighing quietly to myself as I adjust the wig onto my head before putting the silver circlet on top. Ryo was right I actually resemble one of the princesses from his books. Giggling quietly before seeing Ryo in his loving prince outfit that suits his image.

Ryo is very kind and gentle whenever I'm feeling down during those times and this was one of them. Cause Masamune wasn't able to dance with me in the slow dance even I wouldn't admit it myself but I would love to slow dance with Masamune at the party but not tonight. Even we dance last night I can't help but slow dance with him once more. Ryo snap me out of my thoughts as he grabbed my hand.

"Are you alright Ri-chan?" He ask

"I'm fine" I lied

"If there anything you want to talk about I'm here for you Ri-chan"

"Arigato Ryo"


I know anytime or any day whenever things are getting rough I can always count on Ryo with all my heart.

Skipping toward the Party

We finally manage to arrive at the party on time despite Ryo getting us lost not once, not twice, but thrice. I sigh of frustration and relief as we enter the building while Ryo is trying to apologize to me.

"You can't still be mad at me?' He begged

"Maybe or maybe not" I snarled

Walking in these heels hurt my feet more than anything else at the moment. I always forget that Ryo has a bad sense of direction this is the last time I'm letting him being control of the map. We went up to see Kisa-san wearing a jester outfit which suits his personality perfectly well since he always teasing me. I began snickering quietly before Kisa-san began glaring at me.

"Not a single word" Kisa threaten

"Not my fault you act like a clown during work"

Kisa began stuttering all dramatically before walking away with a pout on his face which cause me to giggle. He should be lucky since he doesn't have to wear a dress that exposed your shoulders or wears heels that'll bring pain to your feet. I walked around the party seeing Ryo talking with Kazu-sensei at the moment. I smile seeing both of my friends begin close as if they grow up together. Walking toward to them before bowing down to Kazu-sensei since he is the king of this party. Everyone have to bow down to Kazu-sensei which it was strange for the company to suggest that. Ryo gently took my hand before placing a kiss on my knuckles which causes Kazu-sensei to snicker lightly.

"It's about time you two became a couple" he confirms

Both I and Ryo faces suddenly turned slightly red before we moved away from each others. Okami-san rubbed his neck a bit awkward while shyly staring at me with a blush on his face, I couldn't help but blush even more. We heard Kazu nearly burst out laughing as he saw our reaction. Pretending to wipe a tear away from one of his eyes before drinking some wine from his goblet.

"Both of you should've seen the look on your faces, it was priceless," he said

"That wasn't funny Kazu" Ryo and I shouted in unison

Sensei shrugs lightly while continue to snickered underneath his breath. I sigh of defeat since Kazu-sensei is still a child from the heart even though it can be annoying sometimes. As we were busy talking the music suddenly interrupted our conversation signaling everybody to dance. Ryo lend his hand out before me with a smile on his face "May I have this dance, my lady?"

At first, I thought I heard Masamune voice instead of Ryo but maybe I'm being paranoid at the moment. As I placed my hand on his own suddenly I remember Masamune touch and voice from last night as we slow dance. Shaking my head lightly before I saw Ryo giving a concerned look on his face. Bowing my head down in shame as I make my best friend worried about me since this morning. I didn't want this man I also love worry about me because another man I also love. All thoughts were interrupted as Ryo gently place his lips on my own I couldn't help but kiss back. Even though the kiss lasted a short time it was filled with love and passion.

"Go home without me Ritsu" Ryo suggested

"What about you?" I asked

"I'll be fine, Kazu-sensei will let me spend the night at his place. Now go home without me"


I didn't want to leave Ryo behind at the party but I know him too well and is very stubborn even more stubborn than me. As I headed outside of the building I notice the Sakura trees forest that Masamune took me on my birthday two years ago. They sure look more beautiful at night than they do that the daytime. The petals just suddenly glow brighter as if they're filled with magic. Without even noticing I'm inside the forest memorize by the Sakura petals glowing right before my eyes. The wind gently blows the petals around me which brought out the memories of Masamune and I walking through here.

Dropping onto my knees I began to sob quietly feeling so alone without Masamune. Why? Why do I feel so alone and sad with him even though it was just only one day? Masamune.....I want to see him, hear him, touch him, and kiss him.

As the tears continue to fall down suddenly a pair of muscular arms were wrapped around my waist. My back was landed against it chest and it breathing on my neck causing me to shiver.

"Those tears don't suit you, My princess"


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