Chapter 7: May I have this dance?

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Gomenasi for late update but here is Chapter 7 of Onodera Love Triangle

Takano POV

Another day off from work since the company is setting up Kazu-sensei birthday party with all the decorations and sending more invitation in the last minute. As I read one of my books I could heard Ritsu and that guy laughing very loudly. To my annoyance, I wasn't attending to the party tomorrow night. The company is sending me to Hiroshima for an important meeting with one of the other company to discuss the copies of the new manga release. I wasn't able to turn down the request because of Isaka-san. One day the Emerald Department is going to kill that little jackass of a boss. Inhaling one of the cigarettes that was already inside my mouth. I lay off smoking only twice day since Onodera has been worrying about me. Just the thought of him worrying about me just brought a smile on my face. Ever since that day we made amends I couldn't help but let my heart flutter every time I see that brunette.

Laying my lips against Onodera's just bring the sparks bloom between us throughout our bodies. I know that my little brunette felt it as well when we began that make-out session. His moans and whimpering just turn me on. I wanted more but couldn't push him over to the edge. Though I was going to be a prince/groom but the company decided to give it to Ryo and that thought just anger me. Both of us know that we care for Onodera and he loved both of us but didn't want to hurt anyone in this situation. The thought of losing my beloved is just insane. I don't what I would if I were to lose Onodera Ritsu for the rest of my life and never seeing him again.

Third POV

Afternoon came right around the corner and soon Ryo was suddenly call in to help with the preparation for the party. Placing a quick peck on the brunette lips before rushing out of the door. Gently closing it behind him before glare at his boss/Editor in chief. The amber eyed man return a glare as well. A dark aura rises between before the two men as if they're fighting but with no weapons just with their eyes. Ryo huffed angrily while passing by Masamune "Don't even bother to see Ri-chan" the editor intimidate.

"As if I"ll ever listen to you" the chief snarled

"You'll only be burden to him"

"Same thing to you"

A harsh bang landed on the wall causing the chief to flinch on the inside instead on the outside. The tension of jealousy towards each other's rises between the young men even though they just passing by. Masamune took a deep breathe before speaking his voice out toward Ryo with a deadly silence voice.

"No matter how many times you threaten I won't back away from Ritsu"

Two editors staring at each others filled with hatred toward against one another. Not knowing to how long they stay in the hallway until hearing the door open from Onodera apartment. Still wearing his costume while holding a light brown suitcase "Ryo, you forgot....."

The young brunette went into the deep silence as he saw the editor glaring at each other with hatred. Slowly walking toward to Ryo while handling the suitcase to him "You forgot your suitcase Ryo, you might it when you visit Kazu-sensei tonight" said Ritsu.

Backing away as the thick silence frighten him so much he wanted to run back inside his apartment. Suddenly a pair of familiar were wrapped around his waist making the young brunette feel at ease. Masamune tightly squeezes his waist before placing his chin on his exposed shoulder. A light blush appears on the young brunette cheeks as his face heats up rapidly. Ryo tightly clenched his suitcase before rushing into the elevator without saying another word to Onodera or Takano.

Dropping onto his knees Ritsu sigh of relief as tons of weight have been lifted from his shoulders. Just seeing the two men he loves staring at each others with hatred that gives a dark aura between those two. How long is this gonna go on with his life? Why do these things just happen to drop him like an easy target? Why just why?

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