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Michael's Pov

It had been a few days of me leaving Luke notes and everyday his smile seemed to get bigger, however, they never fully met his eyes. Now, it was Monday and school had just ended for the day. I had my note in my hand and was making my way to Luke's car. When I got there though, there was already a sticky note on the window, a green one. It was a letter from Luke. I'd recognise his girly-looking handwriting anywhere. Michael quickly exchanged the notes and hurried to his car to read it. Once he was in the driver's seat with the door shut, he began to read.

Dear M,

Thank you for the notes, they really brighten my day. However, I'd like to be able to personally tell you thank you. I hope we can meet soon.


I smiled at the note but then realised Luke wanted to meet me. He couldn't meet me! I was the school's outcast, he was the cutest boy in school. It wouldn't work. He'd think I was weird and immediately want to leave. But then I thought more. Luke was one of the nicest people in school, maybe he would like me. I decided to give him small clues as to who I was. Starting the next day.

      Now, it was Tuesday and I was nervous to leave Luke's note today because what if he figured out that it was me and was disgusted? What if he thought I was a creep? Or a stalker? But I had to ignore all of my worries as it was now exactly 2:50 pm and school had just gotten out. I hastily left my class and was on my way to my locker when I heard what sounded like a slap coming from the boys' bathroom. I curiously entered the bathroom only to be met by Mitchell hovering over someone. Luke. I frowned but that frown soon turned to a scowl as I stomped up to the taller boy and yanked him away from Luke, who was curled up against the wall.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Mitchell shouted.

"Stopping you from beating your boyfriend, asshole!" I yelled back.

     He went to punch me and I was going to duck but I was one second too slow and he nailed me in the eye. I winced but then quickly drew my hand back and socked him right in the nose. Mitchell's hands soon were cupping his, now, bleeding nose so I took advantage of him being distracted and grabbed Luke, taking him out of the bathroom. I moved as quick as I could, trying to get to the other bathroom. Once we arrived, I set Luke next to the sink and allowed us both to calm down. Soon, I had been able to compose myself and looked at my reflection in the mirror, studying my bruising eye. I looked to the side to see Luke had tears rolling down his cheeks and he was trembling.

"Hey, you're okay now, don't worry about him. You're safe." I assured, moving closer to him. I opened my arms, motioning for him to hug me, so he hopped off of the counter and into my arms.

      I let him bury his nose in my neck as he tried to settle down enough to actually compose words. Our embrace lasted for about five minutes before he pulled back. Tears were no longer falling but his baby blue eyes were still watery. He gave me a weak smile, causing me to finally take notice of his split lip. I frowned at him, now seeing what other injuries Mitchell had caused him. He too had a black eye forming as well as a bruise on his jaw, a hand print on his cheek, and a small gash beneath his eye. I quickly grabbed a paper towel and got it damp so I could try to clean him up a bit.

"Th-thanks for helping me out back there." He said after I finished cleaning up his lip.

"No problem." I responded.

"You really didn't have to, you know." He mumbled.

"You're right, I didn't have to. But I wanted to, because he's your boyfriend and he shouldn't treat you like that." I stated.

He nodded. "I'm Luke, by the way."


     After I finished cleaning his wounds, we exited the bathroom, him mumbling a thank you before heading down the hall in the direction of his locker. Before he could get too far I shouted something at him that I had wanted to say to him for so long.

"Oh and Luke, you need to dump your asshole of a boyfriend. You could do so much better."

With that, I continued down the hall, proud of myself. And for once, I forgot to leave Luke a note.
[word count: 814]

A/n: Hey guys hope you liked this chapter I'm actually really proud of it. Please leave your opinion so far! Thanks lovelies!:3


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