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Michael's Pov

    The next day at lunch, Luke approached me at my locker. He looked slightly nervous so I sent him a smile which he returned weakly.

"Hey, Luke, what's up?" I asked, tossing my math book into the bottom of my locker.

"Oh, um, I just wanted to ask if you'd maybe like to eat lunch with my friends and I. I mean, I totally understand if you can't or don't want to, but I just thought I'd as-" I cut him off. "Luke, you're rambling. Of course I'll sit with you."

    Luke smiled as I shut my locker and we headed into the cafeteria together. We both got in line to get our lunches and once we did, he led me to a table in a corner near where the trophy case was. There were two boys sitting at it, one with curly bronze hair and the other with fluffy black hair. They both looked up when we set our trays down and smiled at us.

"Hey, Luke. Is this that Michael boy you were telling us about?" The curly one asked.

Luke's face went pink and he shyly nodded.

"Cool. Nice to meet you, Michael, I'm Ashton and this is Calum." The curly one, Ashton, continued.

"Hi." Calum smiled before taking two fries from Ashton's tray, sneakily, and dipping them into the room temperature ketchup before putting them in his mouth.

"Nice to meet you guys." I stated.

     We were all eating when suddenly, a tall, slender girl with neck length ebony hair approached us. The other three looked up at her and gave her fake smiles.

"Hey, Andrea, what's up?" Calum greeted.

"I came to ask Luke a question." She said. "Is it true that you dumped Mitchell Hart last night?"

"Yes, it is." Luke answered, shocking me.

"So he's available?" She grinned.

"Yep." Luke confirmed dryly, obviously bored with talking to the girl.

"Thanks, Lukey!" She chirped before skipping off to her table.

"You broke up with him?" Calum asked.

"Yeah." Luke mumbled as he took a bite out of his hamburger.

"Was it because of your secret admirer?" Ashton teased.

Luke blushed again. "No. I just took somebody's advice." He said, glancing at me.

"Well I'm glad. He was a dick for doing that to you." Calum said.

"He was a dick before, Cal." Ashton scoffed.

"It doesn't really matter anymore, we're broken up, he's not important now." Luke sighed.

    The rest of lunch was pretty boring as was the rest of the day. Unlike the day before, I was prepared to leave my note for Luke and did so quickly. I, again, watched him when he read the note and a smile grew on his face. I also smiled, remembering what the note said.

Dear Luke,

I heard that you dumped Mitchell, which is good. You don't need him if he's gonna treat you badly. But anyways, you asked to know who I am so I'm going to give you clues on the back of every note. Bye, beautiful.


Clue: I have red hair.

     Once Luke was in his car, I started mine up and pulled away from the school, happy with the day.
[word count: 532]

A/n: Double update lol. I'm sorry if this seems like it's moving to fast but I need to finish this by Friday so I need to move it along a little. Anyways, leave your thoughts guys. Thanks lovelies!:3


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