Chapter 1

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"Hey there." A soft voice whispered loud enough so I could hear it over deafening music. The two casual words somehow sent a shiver down my rigid spine. This is exactly what I had been hoping upon all hopes to avoid. The tall, dark figure stalked towards me as I backed into a solid sheet. To my horror, I realised he'd cornered me, away from everyone's sight. I stood paralysed as he came closer and closer to where I was standing, not giving a fuck about personal space, seeing as we were complete strangers to one another. I gasped as his muscular torso made contact with my breasts.

"I have no idea who you are" were the only words I managed to get out of my dry lips quickly, making an attempt to push past the leering man back to the safe crowd swaying to the loud beat of music.

"Woah easy babe." Two huge palms were placed on either side of my small head, blocking out all the dancing and drunk teenagers at the party. "We can get to know each other then." He winked at me, seeming amused at my terrified reaction. The somehow dangerous man leaned in so both our faces were level. My eyes couldn't look away from his deep and provoking gaze. I could smell a faint trace of alcohol as he breathed slowly right in my face. Tattoos could be seen here and there on his muscular arms, the right one baring a sleeve. Biceps flexed as the stranger noticed me examining his ripped arms. Wet tongue slid over his plump bottom lip greedily as dark orbs fell to the extremely low-cut neck of my black party dress. What I wanted most in the world right now was to slap that smirk right off his face.

I groaned in disgust as his chest pushed into me even more, making it slightly difficult to breath. Before I knew it full, wet lips came down to the crook of my neck. As he sucked at my skin, lips moving at a steady and slow pace I couldn't help letting out a moan. Hands went automatically to his chest to push him away but there was no strength left in me. The feeling was pleasing, pleasure something I had never really felt before. Lips nipped at the exposed skin, and I noticed the spot started to throb slightly. A sharp intake of air was breathed in by me as I felt a prickly pain where his lips had made contact with my skin. Teeth continued digging into the flesh, not to deep but I knew it was deep enough to make a mark. His warm tongue then slid over the love bite a number of times until it felt cold and soothing for a while. Lips ditched the painful spot, sucked hungrily at the skin up my long rigid neck, kissing along my jaw until he reached my mouth. That's when I finally managed to shove his hard body away.

"Aw c'mon babe." I heard him whisper seductively as his right hand slid down my back, cupping my hip and fingers digging into the flesh, squeezing it. I jumped, his lips pulling into a wide grin, revealing bright teeth. My palm almost made contact with his cheek, wanting so badly to redden it, before he firmly grasped my small wrist in one quick motion. Shocking me, my hand was forcefully led down his ripped torso, my eyes widening as he made me feel the prominent hard bulge in his black tight jeans.

"You feel that? That's from you babe." He said shamelessly. The way he said 'babe' made me shiver, his tongue moving flawlessly in a smooth motion. "I'm fucking horny bitch. You're coming home with me whether you like it or not." His annoyance at my resistance finally started to show through. Girls probably didn't resist his kiss or him at all. Not until now. After struggling in his strong grasp, my hand jerked away as he finally let go.

"I'm not coming home with you! I barely know who you fucking are!" I breathed out quietly, not sure if he even managed to hear me over all the ruckus.

"Well that's the fun isn't it." The man winked, hands moving up my body to my breasts, feeling me up as I wriggled in his strong grasp.

"As soon as I get out of your house- I'm calling the cops." I said, attempting to sound brave but even I could hear my voice shaking. Was he really going to do this? He barely knew me. Why was he picking me over the hundred sluts here at the party? The stranger looked as amused as ever, the opposite from seeming threatened.

"I've been arrested so many times before I don't give a fuck anymore sweetheart." His voice slithered out.

"Just fuck off!" I shouted as loud as I could manage. But I didn't get any heads turning around to the both of us leaning against the wall, at the corner of the gigantic room, as I had hoped. The music was deafening and hardly anything could be heard over it and the constant babble of drunk teenagers laughing and blabbing on about utterly stupid and pointless topics.

"You're a stubborn one, but you'll come through." He said firmly, hand suddenly shooting down to the purse slung around my shoulder, searching in it for about a minute, followed by swiftly taking out my phone, his thumb sweeping over the screen a few times. As his phone vibrated my things were handed back to my numb hands.

"I'll call you babe." The colour drained out of my blushing features. He had my number. After squeezing my hip one more time roughly, the tall figure smirked and walked away, so casually it seemed as if nothing at all had happened. I quickly took out my phone and deleted the most recently added contact just after I saw it.

His name was Justin.

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