chapter 12

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Two of her fingers rubbed around her own sex in small circular sections, and I could see the material around the movement slowly becoming damp. A small moan escaped pink lips as I gulped, biting my lip and fighting the urge to do so much more than just shag. But this felt wrong. There was a strange tight feeling overcoming my chest once more and I knew that what I was doing was terrible. My heart fought with my conscience and immediately every muscle in my body tensed, trying to knock out this dull feeling taking over my heart. Hands quickly tore down the jean covering my legs, tearing the small material my cock was straining against and chucking it carelessly to the side. My legs made their way onto the soft matress, climbing on top of the almost naked woman pleasuring herself. Once she felt my length touching her abdomen, her lashes opened, biting her plump bottom lip. She smirked at the sight as I saw her finger slide inside her core. I groaned as my sex twitched slightly, licking my lips. Before her finger could go in any deeper though, my hand roughly grabbed the wrist and yanked her finger out of her core, making her let out a small moan in the back of her throat. My well practised fingers got hold of each side of the pink lace and tore it off her smooth skin. The sight of her already wet folds made my heart beat just a tad faster, my tongue unconsiously sliding over  my bottom lip. Hands slid up to her bra, literally ripping the lace off her plump breasts. I blocked all feelings out of my chest as my right hand positioned my length to go into her core. Two hands firmly gripped the headboards and I thrusted my hips foreward.

Ariana’s POV

He hadn’t shown up to the hospital for two whole days. It made me feel uneasy and slightly nervous for some reason- confusion completely taking over my mind at some points. There were moments when all this overthinking and worrying would make everything seem fuzzy, a strange buzzing noise ringing constantly inside my damaged brain. When I’d told the nurse this, the effect had been completely unexpected. Doctors would come constantly into my room and tell me to shut off my brain and get some rest, to get some sleep. The funny thing was that whenever my eyelids were drooping was the time where either a doctor would burst into the room or my head would start buzzing with every single thing that had ever bothered me in my life. My chest was full to the brim with confusion and annoyance. Where was he? Did he not care about me anymore? The only thing bothering me was the fact that he might not give a fuck about me anymore. It was possible, but it just didn’t make sense. His reaction to me waking up, how he had killed two men to save my own life, especially how those sparkling orbs had gazed deep into mine almost...lovingly, only two days ago.

Tears once again filled my eyes up, making the sight of the small wooden door opening and a woman walking in slowly, blurry. Lashes quickly blinked the tears away, squinting at the nurse making her way to my bed. The sly look on her face was somehow bothered and it sent alarm bells ringing in my head immediately. I envied the white material perfectly hugging her curves as her toned thighs walked swiftly to my unattractive position. To my surprise she wasn’t here with a pill and a plastic cup full of water, and it didn’t seem like it was a normal checkup. For a reason I didn’t know my heart started beating a bit faster as the woman sat down onto a chair beside my bed.

“Hey. You’re Ariana aren’t you?” my slightly buzzing ears just made out the words that slipped out of her mouth, and I could detect a smirk in her voice. My eyes darting to look at hers, I made out her lips pulled into a small smirk and eyes critising my appearance.

“Yeah. Who are you?” I automatically thought of this woman as an enemy, my reply cold and sharp.

“You don’t need to know who I am darling.” She whispered. Every muscle in my body tensed, somehow hating her smooth voice tumbling out of her mouth. “That man with you, you know the really hot one, are you two a thing or-“

“Yeah we are. Why?” my cheeks tingled, a strange feeling stabbing my heart when that careless voice had complimented Justin, like that. How dare she call him hot? Who was she anyway? And how did she even know Justin? I had never seen this nurse in my life, and trust me, I bet I knew every single nurse in this building by sight. I didn’t even know if we were a thing- whatever you define a ‘thing’ as. But my curiosity had gotten the better of me. Was this yet another person who had come to warn me about Justin?

“You are?” she chuckled softly, her eyes avoiding my gaze for a reason.

“What the fuck do you want?” anger now clenched my heart, the laughter escaping her lips extremely annoying me.

“If you two are a thing,” she emphasized by mockingly drwaing quation marks in the air, “then maybe you should ask him why he’s been sleeping around with a differenct slut everyday of this week.” The unknown woman laughed again, shaking her head as she stood up. A hand patted the top of my head, the urge to slap her stronger but the needle still dug into the back of my hand the only thing straining me.

My heart felt like it was drowning. Teary eyes followed her until she was out. My lungs felt extremely tight, wanting to scream out every profanity I knew to the bitch. But I could get nothing out. My eyes were wide open, a deafening ringing noise bouncing around the inside of my head. And my heart still felt like it was drowning. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2013 ⏰

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