Chapter 9

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"Fuck off!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. My weak body struggled in the drunk man's firm grasp. Body was building up another scream inside me but my tight throat made it impossible to let the shriek out.

"Your not going anywhere." The slurred man's voice replied. His hands felt up my body roughly, chuckling at my weak attempts to push him off. I gasped for air, his hands coming down so tightly on my tired body. Instead of shouting or screaming at him in anger I immediately started pleading with him.

"Please I'm begging you let me go." I managed to get out between sharp breaths, tears streaming down my face. Before I knew it, his strong hands came on the top of my dress, on the lace that was connecting the two separate parts of material covering my breasts. With a sudden movement, I heard a rip and the thin material was torn down to my stomach.

"Justin!" My voice called for him without thinking about the consequences. Why were these things suddenly happening to me? Why me? This was the second time in a month I was about to get raped. My breathing went at uneven rate, heart racing unbelievably fast. All my thoughts were muddled up, a panic attack coming on. The sun had set, alleyway becoming unbelievably dark and cold even though my body was sweating.

Now my dress was ripped from the middle, nothing covering my cleavage, hard nipples barely covered my the silk. Suddenly, the tall man whisked my body to face him. His half-open eyes raking down my half-naked body. A large hand came down onto the top of my head, fingers knotting in my messed up hair and shoving me roughly into the brick wall. I screamed out in agony as my head hit the wall again, vision blurring, tears swimming before my eyes. To my horror, two hands came down to my thighs, just beginning to yank the material of my dress up. I lost all hope. This was it. There was nothing I could do. I mustered up all my strength and converted it into one last scream.


At that very second, a figure bashed into the man who would have raped me just a few seconds ago. Both muscular men fell to the ground. I could tell it was an aggravated Justin just by seeing the back of his head. I stood, paralysed with fear as Justin's knees were placed on either side of the man's body. Without a second thought, both his fists came down on the strangers head, neck, torso, anywhere he could reach. Blood started gushing out of the man's nose, mouth, skin turning purple wherever Justin's fist made contact. Without thinking I ran forward, clutching and pulling with all my strength on Justin's burly forearms.

"Justin! Stop! You're gonna kill him!" I cried, not giving a fuck what would happen to the liquored up man, but fearful of the trouble Justin would immediately get into with the police. "Justin stop! He's drunk! He didn't know what he was doing!" I shrieked at him, knowing my attempts were useless. His bloody fists kept on pounding against red flesh even after the drunk man was unconscious. After what seemed like ages the blows finally died down, my shaking hands pulling on Justin's biceps uselessly. He didn't even notice my attempts to pull him off the unconscious man until I shouted his name again and again.

Finally Justin looked up, breathing heavily, flecks of blood on his ferocious face. His eyes widened at my appearance, taking in my whole shaking frames as huge tremors rolled through me, and my shredded and for some reason bloody dress. In a blur Justin's brawny body stood upright, wet hands wrapping around my back as my eyes rolled back.

"Shit babe your bleeding." He whispered, sounding horror-struck as his right hand came down on the back of my throbbing head. When Justin brought his palm down in between us to examine it in the dim light, it was much more bloodier than before. My breath hitched as I glanced at the amount of red liquid that was supposedly pouring out the back of my skull.

His hands gripped down onto my limp forearms, forcing me to walk around the corner, passing another drunk man stumbling around the alleyway, smashing a glass bottle on the bricks, singing deafeningly. The sound made my head ache intensely.

"Hey there beautiful." He shouted down to me even though we were walking right passed him, well Justin dragging my almost unconscious form. In a second, Justin was in front of the wasted figure. I stood rooted to the spot as in a smooth motion, bloody hands grasped the sides of the drunk man's neck and sharply twisted it to the side. The suddenly lifeless and limp form crumpled to the stone ground. I gasped, everything swaying in front of me. My eyes rolled back into my head as my body felt as weak as ever. The last thing I saw was Justin's alarmed expression turning around to face me. He shouted my name, hands reaching for me as I fell to the ground.


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