Chapter 10

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Justin #imagine


Part 10

My body was aching, every inch of it. The pain travelled from my toes up to my light head. Soft, cold pillows and a mattress could be felt under me, the air in between warm and cold. My head felt airy, empty and light but it was almost as if my eyes were sinking into my skull. I realised there was a light, large hand placed on my right knee and that's what forced me to open my heavy eyes. I felt unbelievably sleepy as my orbs darted around, examining my surroundings. I was looking straight up at a dull white ceiling, glancing to the left I discovered a peach coloured vase, filled with drooping colourful flowers. The rose petals irritated the back of my eyes for some reason and I quickly darted them away. As my gaze landed on an agitated man, I flinched, my hand drawing back automatically from where it had been resting. The two pins dug into my veins tugged at my tight skin, causing me to moan slightly in pain. I tried to sit up on the narrow bed, tried to create as much distance as possible between me and the man. A hand was placed lightly on my shoulder, gently pushing me down onto the mattress but causing me to yelp anyway.

"Woah easy babe. It's just me." Justin whispered, orbs trying to catch my crazy darting ones. Without any warning, I burst out into thick tears, breath hitching up in my throat. I let out small but loud sobs, letting out sharp gasps. My chest rose up and down at a fast pace, heart beating rapidly. Justin's expression was startled; it seemed like he didn't know what to do.

I just wanted to get away from this man. A better name for him would be- a killer. How could I stay calm after watching him ruthlessly murder two strangers? I could almost see the blood smeared onto his palms; imagine that killer expression on his façade. My mind flashed back to him punching and crushing the rapist's face in, the thick red liquid gushing out of the guy's mouth, nose, ever where. What was even worse was when Justin had killed the other drunk with one quick smooth movement. Just a twist of his palms on a drooping neck. That was all it took for him to end a life, end a dream, end a husband- perhaps a father, a brother. Just that action must have ended in so many consequences, so many mourning souls, and so many people seeking revenge.

My whole body jerked away as Justin's forefinger brushed gently down my cheekbone, down my tear stained jaw. The simple motion soothed me somehow, my breathing slowed down, sobs quieting as my desperate orbs flickered into his deep gaze. It was as if his chocolate brown orbs were staring deep into my soul, reading every single one of the thoughts whirring around in my brain. We stayed like that for a while, my eyes unable to look anywhere else. Suddenly, I forgot everything wrong he'd done. The facts that he had almost raped me, pleasured me against my will and murdered two men in front of me escaped my brain.

"You okay?" he whispered. I nodded almost before he had breathed out the words. Was it just my injured head or was there something different about him? He seemed less threating than how aggressive and controlling he usually was. There was a bright twinkle in his eyes, replacing the dark gleam that usually took its place in those deep eyes. Surprising me immensely- he actually smiled at me. It wasn't his usual mischievous grin or threatening smirk. There was an actual genuine, gentle smile pulling his full lips. For the first time I realised just how tired he looked, eyes sunk back into dark circles, his left hand slid down his face, seeming like he was trying to wipe away the weariness from his expression. My lips parted, forcing out a few words in an almost mute, breathy voice.

"How long have I been out for?"

"Since a few nights. It's almost 9 now. There was a chance of you going into a coma. They had to take out the shards of glass from your head." His hoarse voice managed out in a whisper. It seemed like either he had been shouting a lot while I had been unconscious, or hadn't uttered a word. It might've just been the light, but for a second I thought I saw a tear in his exhausted eye, but he quickly blinked, the tear disappearing. "You're damn lucky the shards didn't go in that deep." His voice broke at the end and suddenly, Justin stood up, the legs of the chair he had been sitting on scraping back, bothering my head with the screeching noise. My wide shocked eyes followed him until he disappeared from sight. Heavy eyelids almost immediately drooped down and in a minute or so I drifted into unconsciousness.

Justin's POV

I ran out of the room immediately, tears swimming in my weary eyes. My numb feet found their way to the hospital men's toilets without hesitation. I knew this place too well now. I shoved the door aggressively out of the way, hoping there was no one in the room. I was in luck, the lights turning on automatically as I stumbled in. Finding my way to the sink, both large hands gripped each side of a sink. I stared at the worn out and tinged red skin tight over my white knuckles. My breathing was heavy as I looked up at my worn-out appearance in the narrow mirror. Red, puffy eyes, parched lips, the few tear stains still visible on my cheeks. This felt strange, I hadn't wept for god knows how long. There had been no reason to. Actually, I hadn't really felt any emotions at all until after about 5 weeks. After crashing into Ari's house and forcefully pleasuring her. My mind had been saying that it was just a one-nighter. I was meant to forget about her right after the incident. But this time it was different- me only realising after 5 weeks of not seeing her.

Why? Why her? I had asked myself that question a number of times in the past horrific and eventful days. My emotions were mixed- I had absolutely no idea what I felt for Ariana Grande.

Sobs built up in my tight chest, thick gulps pushed down them forcefully. The past few days had been unbelievably difficult for some reason. The sight of her lying limp, unconscious bothered me deeply in ways I couldn't understand. My fists had almost made contact with some of the nurses and doctors in my attempt to come into the dark room during the operation that had seemed to go on forever. I'd screamed at a countless number of people, knowing at the same time it wouldn't have gotten me or her anywhere.

God, she was basically a stranger to me- I couldn't figure out all these feelings my heart had suddenly developed for her. The sight of her opening those mesmerizing brown eyes had made my heart flutter, my lips actually pulling into a smile. A real smile. I realised I hadn't smiled genuinely for what seemed like years.

She was different.

Ariana's POV

My eyes fluttered open as I felt a soft hand brushing away tears shed long ago. My pink lips were traced by a gentle thumb, the small and smooth movement somehow pleasing me. For a reason I didn't know, my mouth pulled up into a small smile.

"Hey." He whispered.

"Hi." I replied quietly.

"You know we haven't even had a proper conversation since we met." Justin chuckled, me joining in with a breathy laugh.

"You mean since you felt me up at that party, stole my phone number, stalked me and forcefully pleasured me." I stated. Both our lips turned down slightly. Justin's tongue slid over his dry lip sexily, probably remembered all those events.

"Yeah." Was all he managed to breathe out lightly.

"And since you murdered two men right in front of my eyes, without a moment's hesitation." I murmured, his eyes immediately shutting tightly, creases forming on his forehead.

"I saved you from being raped." He corrected me almost inaudibly.

"There was no reason to kill that other-"

"Yes there was." Justin's voice interrupted my sentence firmly, causing me to flinch at his sudden loud voice.

"You know... I've never heard you talk so much." He smirked, the threatening and somehow intimidating expression back. "Are you... scared of me?" he asked quietly now. My eyes darting away from his gaze was all he needed as he chuckled.

"There's no reason to be afraid of me babe," I heard him whisper, with a sly expression, "Well- most of the time." His warm right hand slithered under the thin, woolly blanket covering me, sliding up my bare thigh.

"Stop." My right hand jerked towards his, forgetting there were two needles dug into the flesh. I moaned in agony as the needle moved sharply inside my hand. Justin's expression turned from sly to anxious as blood trickled down from the spot where the needle was placed. Out of nowhere, he grabbed a small ball of cotton, dabbing at the liquid until no more came out.

"You really need to stop doing that." I told him. To my surprise, he laughed quietly to himself, replying with a snickered out "Sorry."


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