Chapter Six

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I began to hear a quiet, low growl coming from outside the cabin. My eyes slowly opened and I looked around the dark room.  I could only see the outline of the furniture in the room.  The moonlight shun through the windows giving the room a creepy feeling.

I yawned and sat up on the couch.  I stretched my arms over my head and stood up.  An unsettling cracking noise came from my back which made me cringe. 

I slowly made my way to the door to leave.  I don't know why but I had the urge to go outside.  It was a beautiful night so I didn't question it.  I glanced at the clock before I left.  It was 3 o'clock in the morning. 

When I stepped outside into the cool, crisp air I almost forgot about the low growling noise I had heard only a few moments ago.  It was so peaceful outside that I just assumed that it had been my imagination.  But I knew not to doubt my ears because whenever I thought it was nothing it was always something.

The moonlight cascaded over the lake like a graceful dancer.  The familiar smell of the water wrapped me in a comforting blanket that filled me with a tingling sensation.  The world seemed to stop at this gorgous sight and I couldn't bring myself to look away.  When I thought that this night coudn't get anymore serene the familiar sound of a cracking twig pulled me from my peaceful daze.  I looked around only to be met by the darkness in front of me.  A sigh of relief escaped my lips but that relief didn't last long. 

I noticed a figure begin to emerge from the shadows.  I cautiously moved forward as my curiositity got the better of me.  The familiar sensation of dread corsed through my veins as the shadowesque figure aproached me slowly.  A lump formed in my thoat as the realization hit me that I had no weapons to fend for myself. 

The shadowy figure stepped into the moonlight and I could finally make out its features.  It's long arms and legs were odly proportioned when compared to its torso.  Its neck was bent at an unnatural angle as its soulless eyes gazed at me.  Its jaw was absent from its face; exposing its uper teeth dripping that familiar black goo.

I took a step back into the water as the figure took a long, staggered step forward.  My breathing hitched as the demon became closer and closer to where I was.  My mind went blank and my pulse quickened.  I didn't know how I could survive this.  Maybe I could run away but I doubt I would get far.  With its long strides I could maybe get halfway to the house before I would be slaughtered.  I could scream but nobody would get to me in time to save me.

An unfamiliar feeling began to grow inside of me.  I didn't know how to describe it.  It was almost like a surge of power was coarsing through my veins.  I knew it wasn't the adrenaline because I knew what that felt like and this was different.

I balled my hands into fists and stepped out of the water.  My fear was completely washed away as the feeling grew stronger.  I couldn't tell why I had the sudden change in my emotion but I liked it.  It made me feel powerful and full of control.  I felt like I could do anything.

As the figure took a step closer I felt a sharp pain run through my right hand, all the way up my arm.  I let out a yelp as the pain grew more prominant.  I looked down at my hand and noticed an all too familiar blue light envelope my appendage.  It was diferent from the beautiful light that came when I healed someone. They may have been similiar but to me they looked completely different.

The light I had grown accustomed to was gentle and left me with a hopeful sensation.  This new blue light resembled a fire and was full of power.  I wanted to make it stop but the closer the demon came the bigger the flame grew, and so did the pain.  I almost couldn't remain standing the pain was so strong.  The excruciating flame began to take the shape of a sword and a wave of confusion drowned me.  The sword was translucent but I could still touch it as if it were a physical object.

Forgotten One (#2 of the Lost One series)Where stories live. Discover now