Chapter 2: Fracking Zombies

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Chapter 2: Fracking Zombies

We were driving down some road. The army truck was driving over a bridge and running over zombies. Warren and Garnet was in that truck, Doc and the girl was in the other truck, Addy and Mack were in the SUV, and I was in the back of the truck with the boy now. He was standing up keeping watch just as the army truck slowed down. We pulled off. I was sitting down just as Garnet walked down seeing everyone's condition. "Running on fumes." I heard my sister say.

"Looks like a flat." She said to us as Doc got out. I got off with the boy. I saw motorcycle guys coming as Doc got the things out for the tire. I couldn't help, but notice how the girl turned away so they wouldn't see her. "That's right keep rolling and you'll live to see another day." Warren said as they rode bye. "Okay let's do this." She said and they started to get the tire up. They pulled the tire off to see a zombie tucked in there.

"Well that explains the pull to the left." A giggle escaped my lips making Addy look at me.

"Oh did Zero Lillianne giggle?" I glared at her.

"Shut up."

"What are you waiting for? Kill it! Kill it!" Murphy said making me roll my eyes at him.

"Alright you. Time to go home." Warren said before piking it. She walked away and soon all of us were walking down the road. "Even after all this. This is still beautiful."

"Take a good look. We may night be back soon."

"Goodbye New York." Addy said taking a picture.

"See you in the next life." Murphy said before turning and walking away.

"Black Friday sale?" Warren and Garnet were on top of the army truck with Murphy below them.

"Fine any gas?" Garnet asked Mack as he walked by.

"No this area has been picked clean." I walked off and laughed as I heard Addy asked to kick Murphy in the nuts. I walked off with the kid and Doc. i notice the kid is actually really cut. His hair is cute and messy and his eyes are big and deep.

I shook my head clear as I bent down to get some gas. "So what's your name kid?" Doc asked and I looked over at the kid curious. He hasn't spoken yet and even for me that's long.

"10,000." The kid asked making Doc laughed, but I was too focused on his voice. It was deep and rich. Is this what Addy meant when she said my voice was musical?

"That is not a name. That's a number." Doc said and I spoke before thinking it through.

"I think it's cute." I said and Doc looked at me. I blushed slightly and I thought I saw a small smile on '10,000's face.

"It's my name. I made it up myself. He said later. I looked over at him curious.

"I supposed you'd have to. Well does it mean anything?" Doc asked and I nod.

"Ya it's a bit strange to name yourself."

"How many zombies I am going to kill."

"Well that's a whole lot of zombies." I nod.

"Already on 1,055." My jaw dropped.

"Wow that's incredible." I say and the boy smiled once more.

"Damn!" Doc yelled and I burst into laughter. "So what happens when you get to 10,000?"

"Change my name." He replied before standing up.

"To what 20,000." I shook my head standing up. I dusted off my shorts.

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