Chapter 4: Full Metal Zombie

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Chapter 4: Full Metal Zombie

I rode in the back. We were just going through Pennsylvania. 10k was shooting down Amish Zombies with his sling shot. "Amish Zombies. Really? Really?" I laughed at my sister.

"They tried to quarantine themselves from the rest of society from spreading the infection." Garnet said and I smiled and looked at 10k standing behind him.

"Nice shot." I whispered in his ear making him blush.

"Zero." He whined. I giggled and kissed behind his ear before listening back with the conversation leaving 10k blushing.

"Best guess I heard was birds. Some kind of parasite piggy back on the bird flue. Stays dormant until you die." Garnet said before Murphy spoke up.

"Take it from somebody who knows first hand. Other than that fact they find brains delicious when it comes to Zombies nobody knows nothing." I shook my head and looked back at 10k.

"We never really talked about those kisses." I said and he looked over at me.

"Do we need to?" He asked taking my hand. I smiled.

"What are we 10k?" I asked confused and he smiled leaning over and kissing my forehead.

"Well if you want I can be your boyfriend." I smiled.

"Hmm and I could be your girlfriend." He nod smiling. I smiled and kissed him quickly. "Good. I like that." I say before Doc spoke up.

"I'm telling you there's nothing. No soul. No brains. No nothing."

"Well they aren't dead. They want something." Cass said. Ever since what happened Addy and I have become close to her. I didn't get my clothes back so now I was in black skinny jeans, luckily I still have my boots, and another white tank top. I also have my gloves still and my belt with the pouches.

"Ya brains."

"You can't want something if you're not conscious if you don't want a soul."

"When my step dad was wounded he wanted me to tie him up before he turned." 10k said making me look over at him shocked. "He asked me to show him Mercy when he died. Shoot the brain you know. I couldn't do it. I couldn't hurt him. He was the only father I had. No matter what he became. I stared into his eyes for the longest of time just looking for some sign he was still in there."

"Did you see anything?" Cass asked, but 10k just shook his head.

"What did you do?" Doc asked sorrow in his voice for 10k.

"I killed it."

"Damn kid you had to put down your own step dad?"

"I didn't kill him. I killed it."

"But if it's not alive how did you kill it."

"Piked it right here. My first kill." He said pointing to his forehead. "I always wished he knew. Somehow knew I kept his promise." I wrapped an arm around him hugging him. He wrapped his arm around me.

"He knew 10k. He knew." I whispered and he nod as he drove down the road.

We saw a bug start to follow us. "Human at 6 o'clock." Doc yelled to Warren. "It that more of your human friends?"

"No, something else."

"Up ahead." Mack yelled and we saw a bunch of Zs up ahead. 10k jumped off and ran for the woods.

"Where's he going. Hey kid!"

"10k!" I called, but he was out of hearing shot. I frown and sat back down. "Please don't get hurt." I whispered. Everyone got out ready to pike them.

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