A Harsh Reality

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Even now, Talos was uneasy about all that had happened. Eight years, and he saw no physical change to his features; no signs of aging. Was this among the many gifts of the light? Extended lifetime? Immortality?

The survivors had begun construction of a wall, one that would surround the camp. It was he who helped lay the first foundations, before being assigned to transporting construction materials to and from worksites. It was also then that the people began to build structures beneath the Traveler. First of mud, then wood, and soon stone. A decade had past since he'd arrived, and they now were making concrete on a daily basis. Refugees came almost routinely from the scouts outside the valley, leading them here. They began to rebuild their lives, making furniture, weapons, clothes, and even offering their trade; electricians, mechanics, plumbers, metal-smiths, and more- All flooding in from outside their valley.

Talos stood atop the northern section of the wall, watching over the hundred yard stretch between the forest and their rising city. He was joined by three others; two young militia boys and a scout.

He'd corroborated with them earlier to try and see if they'd be willing to join him in one of Shaxx's gimmicks- an arena where people face others or guardians versus guardians, which he had invited the Titan to join when he first arrived.

"You two should join me." He said, "a fighter can't hope to hone their talents and skills by facing Fallen alone; you both need training in facing opponents who act and think like you."

"Come on, old man; the Fallen give us enough trouble- I'm not gonna fight someone just to see who can kick us harder."

"I agree- Why waste our time fighting each other when instead we could be worrying about what the Fallen are planning."

Their names where Magni and Modi. Magni was the bigger of the two, more blessed by genes than his brother, boasting a more built physique and more facial hair, despite being not even sixteen. His brother, Modi, was smaller, more scrawny and wiry, but had a strong sense of heart. They were both crowned by dark brown hair, Magni cutting short, while Modi grew it long and braided. Both were sixteen, Magni having hit puberty earlier than his brother, resulting in his more aggressive approach to tasks, while Modi was methodical, acting carefully to avoid senseless violence.

"The Fallen aren't our only threat- there are still Warlords outside this valley- they won't hesitate to kill anyone who doesn't bend the knee-"

"That's why we've got the Iron Lords."

"Exactly- Lord Felwinter recently killed the Warlord Citan. Not even a month ago."

Talos rolled his eyes at the two brothers, ignoring their dismissal of his suggestion. "You boys need combat experience- two or three skirmishes a day won't do you any good-"

"We'll do fine, old man; we did the first time around." Magni replied.

Talos had met the brothers while doing a favor for Zavala, whom alongside Saint-14 and Lord Saladin, began to authorize missions outside the valley, where Guardians could begin defending their new home. He'd been sent out alongside a scout to retrieve a refugee caravan being guided by the Takanome Rangers to the city. When he'd met Magni and Modi, the two were clinging to a frozen corpse, who he'd assumed to be their mother, both barely seven years old. They were all that remained of the caravan that was supposed to pass through the Twilight Gap, an easy passage to the Traveler.

Since then, Talos had almost mentored the boys, having taken them out on reconnaissance, resupply, and escort tasks given to them by the guardian leaders, whom people had come to call 'The Vanguard,' made up of Saint-14, Osiris, and Telula Fairwind, representing Titans, Warlocks, and Hunters respectively. Talos even considered fostering them at one point, seeing them more as sons than brethren in arms

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