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"Eyes up Guardian..."

Light filtered into the Guardians eyes,"Great- another one-" a voice said, fading as it seemed to leave, where the Guardian began gasping for air. His lungs were dry and as coarse as sandpaper. "Wait, Your alive!" The voice said, hurrying back over towards the Guardian, "...can't believe that actually worked." it muttered.

The Guardian sat up slowly, taking in his immediate surroundings. He was in some sort of laboratory, which lay in ruin around him. The walls were masked by a thick wall of tangling vines and moss, dirt smeared against the tiles after seemingly decades of misuse. The roof was a dome, blown open by an explosion. Had he caused that? The Guardian grit his teeth and tried to recall what might have happened, but nothing was there- just vague words, even then it all seemed like jibberish- Son, Heir, Sol, Navigator. The Guardian then looked up, a white, diamond shaped machine with a blue optic floated about a foot away, its eye glowing in the shadows of a colossal tower, reaching up and touching the sky.

The Guardian tried to stand up, but quickly fell to his knees, his muscles sore and his bones felt like they were burnt firewood. He then glimpsed down at himself, only now realizing it was raining, the droplets of water hitting the visor of his helmet. He was clad in what felt like a skin tight mesh suit, with plate armor on his chest, shoulders, and feet, although very minimal at that. He began adjusting to the new material that now covered his body, twisting his limbs to test the flexibility.

"What... w-where am I?" The Guardian said, his voice catching in his throat. His mind was a muddled mess. Where was he? Why? All he remembered was the warm embrace of long slumber, and a cold, unnerving sense of monstrous dread.

"Venus- Northern Ishtar Sink, seven miles west of the Collective HQ and thirty miles East of Akna Montes-You've been dead for a long time- longer than most others." The machine said, his optic glowing as he spoke. "But either way, you're up and kicking."

"What the hell is this?" He asked, moving around. The mesh was flexible, almost like a spandex material, but it seemed to have a metallic feel to it. As of the plate armor, it was light, but as he tapped it, it gave of an arc of energy, almost like a shield.

"Lightmail- carbon nanotube and steel mesh with steel plating to absorb kinetic impacts, copper wiring woven through the fibers and inside the suit, with synthetic rubber fibers and a basic Void emitter in your back to shield you from energy-based assaults. It's basic Titan armory- I made it out of -" The little machine was interrupted by the a groan- mechanical and deep, underneath the earth. "Um... that's not good..."

Subconsciously, the Guardian spun his head towards the sound, his arms lifting themselves seemingly out of instinct, as if to hold a rifle. But no gun was found near or on his person. Had he been a soldier maybe?

"We need to leave- this is Vex territory this close to the Spire; if we don't, they'll find us." The machine said, his parts spinning with a gentle chhk noise.

"Collective? Vex? Spire? Ok-first of all- what are you?" He asked, slightly annoyed at the machines lack of answers for the Guardian, who clearly was confused about what was going on. The machine turned his parts again, his optic shrinking.

"Oh- I'm a Ghost- Your Ghost to be exact. I'm your mechanic, medic, personal database, and traveling companion." The Ghost said, spinning around the Guardian quickly, like he was a fairy from old legends. "And maybe, sometimes the comedic relief- just tiny and nowhere near as harmful!" The Ghosts lower parts moved up over its optic, the blue dot narrowing. Was it smiling?

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