Appointment; And What Did You Say?

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I woke up to the smell of breakfast. I made my way downstairs and saw Nicki finishing up breakfast and her daughter sitting on the barstool reading.
"Hello everyone" I spoke.
"Good morning Aysha" they said in unison.
I sat at the table and her daughter helped fix plates.  When they were done, Nicki sat a plate in front of me and we all ate in silence.
"You have an appointment today." Nicki stated.
"I know" I replied as I gathered my empty dishes and placed them in the sink and washed them.
"I'm going to get dressed now."
"Okay" was all she replied.
I went into my bathroom and did my morning routine and stepped back into my bedroom to get dressed; I went into my closet and pulled out a cute outfit; I picked a pink and white stripped top , A gray cardigan, Some dark blue jeans, and pink converse.
I put on some silver and pink jewelry and started on my hair and makeup. When I finished I sprayed on some Minajesty Exotic and grabbed my animal print bag before heading downstairs.

Nicki's pov; I placed my plate in the sink and went upstairs to get ready.
I stepped into my huge closet and picked out blue light blue crop-top, white skinny jeans, blue and white toms, and silver jewelry.
I sprayed on some PF deluxe and headed downstairs.
"Are you ready?" I asked.
"Yes Ms. Nicki."
"Ugh can you stop calling me miss it makes me feel old." I said.  She giggled before she replied; "Um sure let's go." She said as we walked out of the door.
We hopped in my aventador and sped off.
AYSHA'S POV: We arrived at the doctor's office and Nicki signed me in.

*15 minutes later*

?? "Aysha Young."
Nicki and I stood and walked over toward the nurse who held the door open.
?? "Okay Ms. Young how are you today?"
"I'm fine, thanks."
"That's good, are you experiencing any pain or other complications?"
I thought for a moment.
"No ma'am." I answered truthfully.
She checked my vitals and scribbled the results down on her chart.
"Can you take of your top and bra and slip on this gown please."
I took the gown from her waiting hand and went into the restroom down the hall; I removed my shirt and stared at my body in the mirror; I traced over the scars on my chest.
I looked at the most recent; the one I received while trying to escape from Justin, I sighed and pulled the gown over my head; I gathered my things and went back into my room.
"Where's the doctor?" I asked Nicki.

"They'll be back in a minute."
I nodded.

*5 minutes later*

"Okay Aysha we're going to do a sonogram and after that an ultrasound is that fine with you?"
"Um yeah I guess."
"Lay down on the bed and lift up your gown."
I did as I was told.
"This is going to be warm." She said as she applied a warm, yellow gel to my stomach and grabbed the little wand off the cart and pressed it to my stomach.
"Okay have you heard the heartbeat before?"
"No this is my second appointment, my ex never let me go to the doctor after my first baby passed" I said trying to hold back my tears.
"Oh my condolences, are you ready to hear it?" I nodded.
She flipped on a little switch and I heard the most beautiful sound ever.
"It's beautiful" everyone in the room awed at the sound.
"Ok the heartbeat sounds normal so now we're going to do the ultrasound; I'm going to get the doctor."
She left the room and the doctor walked in.
"Hello Aysha, how are you?"
"I'm fine, how are you?"
"I'm good" he said as he applied some more gel to my stomach.
"Okay are you ready to see your baby girl?"
"Yes sir." I giggled.
"Okay then."
He turned the screen toward me.
"She is smaller than she should be at five months and this bothers me.
"what do you mean?"
"She isn't growing at the rate that she's supposed to be; she should be about three pounds bigger than what she is" He said.
"Well what can I do?" I asked.
"I'm going to prescribe you some prenatal vitamins and hopefully that helps, I'm also going to prescribe you something that will help your baby gain weight"
"Is it safe?"
"Yes it's safe a lot of women here use it and the only side effect is drowsiness and nausea"
"Okay, I guess I'll try it."
He wrote out the prescription and cleaned the gel off of my stomach and handed the paper to me.
"On your way out see the receptionist for your next appointment."
"Okay thank you"
"You're welcome, have a nice day."
I went back into the bathroom and got dressed. We went into the lobby were Nicki was.
"When did you come out here?"
"When you left to get dressed"
"Did you make the appointment?"
"Yes, are you ready to go?"
We went out to the car, hopped in and speed off.
"Are you hungry?" Nicki asked.
"Um yeah"
She got off at the next exit and we went to olive garden.
We got out and she ordered our food to go.
"What do you want?" she asked.
"Chicken Alfredo"
She ordered herself and I chicken Alfredo and got Jessica some chicken fettichuini.
After the food was brought out to use she payed and we headed home.
"You forgot to drop off the prescriptions"
"Shit" she said.
I giggled at her remark.
"That ain't funny" she said with a sly smirk.
We headed inside and she handed me the food; I sat it on the counter and went into the powder room to wash my hands and waited in the kitchen for Nicki and Jessica to come down.

NICKI'S POV; Jessica come eat I yelled up the stairs.
I went into my bathroom and washed my hands.
I called Jessica again and she didn't answer; I went into her room and she had her ear buds in.
"Jessica!!" I yelled as I grabbed her phone.
"Oh hey mom what's up?"
"What have I told you about having these turned all the way up?"
Her face fell.
"Not to"
"Exactly now get down here and eat, I got your favorite"
I walked downstairs and went into the kitchen.
"Why haven't you eaten yet?" I asked Aysha.
"I was waiting for you guys."
"Aww that's nice lamb chop thanks"
"You're welcome Nicki"
I went over to the cupboard and fixed everyone's plate and we ate in silence.

AYSHA'S POV; The food was delicious and so was the tea Nicki made last night. I could tell something was bothering her but I didn't ask.
"Aysha can I speak with you for a minute?" Nicki asked.
"Um sure"
We walked upstairs and went into her room.
"Aysha your mother wants you to come back and she's doing everything that she can to get you; She's using social media to try and make it seem like you're irresponsible."
I felt fear growing within me.
"Wh-what do you mean?" I stammered.
"People are starting to talk and make you look like a whore"
I started crying.
"Aysha I'm so- (GCO)"
"No don't say you're sorry!!" I said as I stormed out of her room and locked myself in the bathroom.
I looked through the cabinet and found a razor.
I cried as I slit my wrist.
"Aysha please open the door" Nicki begged.
"NO GO AWAY" I cried.
"Aysha please talk to me sweet heart don't shut me out."
I began to get angry, why the hell does she care?
"WHY, WHY SHOULD I?" I screamed.



Property of Raven Lee

Copyright ( 2015-2016)

All rights reserved.

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