A scary movie!

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Writers Note:
Hi everyone! Thanks for texting me dares and truths so I can continue my book but I realized that everybody (or the most of the readers) dare or ask a truth only Fear. And that isn't a big problem but it will be weird if they dare Fear at every single chapter! Pls dare the other emotions too! Thank you!

Anger:So let's see! Oh...I like that one. It is for Fear and here is the good part:AggelikiNidri dares you to watch a scary movie!

Fear:W-what? *nervous*

Joy:You have to do this but...we'll let you see it for 1 minute. No longer.

Fear:A-and what will that scary movie be?

Disgust:We'll show you the Shoes of Doom!

Fear:Not that again.

Anger:Yes,that again.

Sadness:I don't think he'll make it.

Joy:He's already worried about it! Don't make him feel worse.

Fear:O-okay. I think I'm ready.

*Anger brings the memory of the movie shoes of doom*


Joy:Keep calm.

*after 1 minute*

Fear:I can't see more of it!!! *panics*Stop it,stop it!

Joy:Okay*gets the memory out*

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