Eat some more broccoli...

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Fear:latesleeper dares all of us (except Disgust) to eat broccoli!!!

Disgust:Yuck! I'm glad I haven't got to eat it that time...You remember that another dare today was for me to eat broccoli? Right?

Joy:Ew,I know we never tasted broccoli but it seems disgusting! Anyways,we have to eat it...Who will eat it first?

Anger,Fear and Sadness:Um...YOU!

Joy:Oh my stars! Why did I even asked? Fine! I'll go first.*grabbs a little piece of broccoli*Yuck...*eats it*Ew,ew,ew!!!!!!! Yuck!!!!!*takes a paper and spits the broccoli in it*It was AWFUL! Now I feel exactly like Disgust!

Disgust:See...I knew that that food was awful...

Anger:I'll say that...*eats a little piece of broccoli*Yuck!!! It's really worse than I thought...

Joy:Hey...I think I know why we're disgusted of it! Because Riley is disgusted of it too!

Sadness:That makes sense!*eats some broccoli*Ugh!!! It's terrible!

Fear:I guess that now I have to taste it too!


Fear:*eats slowly a piece of broccoli*Yuck,yuck,yuck! It's so awful,terrible and disgusting the same time! We'll be all poisoned by broccoli! We'll die!*freaks out*

Joy:Don't worry.We won't die! Broccoli isn't a poisonous food. It's just disgusting...


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