The itchy sweater

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Anger:Okay,okay. Move on,I'm starting to like that game!

Sadness:The next one is for you,Anger.

Disgust:Let's see...The third dare of IluvOlaf3 is to wear an itchy sweater.

Anger:Fine. *grabs the sweater that was going with the dare* *goes to change*

Joy:Until he comes let's see the next dare:It's from GiockItaly and he says to Fear,to give me a big hug?!

Disgust:Gimme that paper. Joy is right and the paper rights to always keep her near you and be happy with her.

Anger:*just came wearing the itchy sweater*What did I missed?

Sadness:Someone asked Fear to give a big hug to Joy and to keep her near him and be happy with her.And he also wrights that he ships them.

Anger:Ships them? Ha,now we have a love boy at our game.*laughs with sarcasm*

Fear:*sighs nervously* Here we go...*goes slowly and hugs Joy* *smiles to her*

Joy:*smiles back**hugs him too*


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