Down 2 Business

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Today I finally had an off day. It seemed like I was always working. Trey always needed me to do a run or get some stuff. I hardly ever had any time to myself. Whenever I did though I tried to spend time with my daughter Daniela. I bent down to pick her up.

"Danni, you ready to go get ice cream?" I asked her as she ran from her mother's side into my arms.

"Yes, Daddy. " She playfully kissed me on the cheek. I hugged her so tight I missed my little baby. "Ice Cream!" She chanted.

"What time are you bringing her back?" My baby mother Desiree asked. I really did not feel like talking to or even dealing with her right now.

"Prolly a couple hours." I replied never even looking at her.

"Well can she just stay the night at your house?" Desiree asked with a little attitude in her tone. "Because I kind of have plans for today?"

This girl always wanted to play games.

"You know I don't want her to stay at my house." I said scratching my head. I was starting to get very irritated but I wouldn't let Desiree get me to act out in front of my child.

"You so full of shit. Don't know how to take care of your responsibilities." Desiree started to walk away and it took all my strength not to smack the shit out of her.

I followed behind her and covered Daniela's ears.

"Look bitch, the only reason I even deal with you is because of our child. I put you in this comfortable house in a nice neighborhood so that my child could have a life way better than the one I did. I don't need people where I stay, knowing I have a daughter or knowing what she look like." I said getting in her face.

"Don't talk to me like that." Desiree fired back.

"You stupid ass bitch, I shouldn't even have to explain that to you. Acting like you fucking special or something." I yelled shaking my head and walking to my car. I strapped Daniela in her car seat then got in the driver's side.

"Fuck you." Desiree yelled behind me. "Your ass going on child support." She screamed as I pulled off.

I looked at Daniela through the rearview mirror. She was sitting quietly in her seat playing with her fingers.

"Daddeee....Daddy." She said laughing. She was so beautiful her curly afro nearly covered her face. She had my big brown eyes and button nose. She was nothing like her mother.

"I love you Danni." I said to her as I continued to drive.

"I wove Daddy." She replied.


We arrived at YoBerri to get Daniela's favorite frozen yogurt. We had gotten our cups and were picking out our flavors and toppings. Daniela loved the strawberry cheesecake flavor and for her toppings she would pick the cheesecake bites and strawberries.

"Hey Duke." a feminine voice came from behind me.

I turned to see Robyn standing there smiling. I looked her up and down.

"Wassup." I said to her "How have you been?"

"Fine. It's good to see you. I know we didn't part on great terms but you look well."

Robyn was my ex-girlfriend and she was right we didn't part on good terms at all.

"Who is this little cutie?" she asked directing her comment to Daniela.

"My uh niece." I replied casually.

As if on cue Daniela began to chant.

"Ice Cream Daddy. Daddy. Wan Ice cream."

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