Chapter 14 Do I Like Him?

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Stupid Frank and stupid the other guys too for setting up a prank like that.I spent the night on the tent with Mikey and Bob just in case if someone tried to come in and Bob can easily beat his ass,on our way back home the ride was awkward and almost non of us said a single word.Gerard kept on apologizing about it.

Now its Monday once again and I stayed at my house not feeling like going to school at all besides my aunt wont know i skipped cause she left to Canada yesterday and she'll be back in two weeks so yeah im gonna do what Kevin did in Home Alone.Today i was dressed in a white and black long sleeve shirt with a black skirt and matching converse..I inside my room with the curtains closed playing my Ps2 when i heard someone knocking on the door.Me well being me chose to ignore the knocks so i felt my phone buzz and it was a text from Mikey telling me he's outside.

I turned off the game and ran downstairs and opened the door meeting with Mikey's brown eyes "Hey Emily stopped by the say hi." He shyly says as he pushes up his glasses "Mikey! Good to see you want to come in?' "Nah thanks i gotta finish this homework first."

"If you want we can head over to the coffee shop and i can help you?" I smiled "O-okay that would be nice." "Cool!" I grabbed the extra key i had and we both began to walk down the road "Why didnt you arrive to school? Is it because of Gerard and Frank?" "Just a bit.But i also felt lazy to get up by the eay my aunt wont come in two weeks so i can enjoy myself.Your welcome to stay if you'd like." I smile up at him and i saw blush forming on his cheeks once he met my eyes.

"Thanks i'll considerate it then." We reached the coffee shop and Mikey being the gentleman he is he opened the door for me and let me go for once first nothing like Frank he usually got in first like the other day and i accidentally almost broke my nose cause of the door.

"Emily do you want anything?" Mikey asked once i sat down on the table with his backpack on top of the table "Just black coffee." I smile,He nodded his head and quickly came back with two coffee and a pink cupcake "Aww Mikey! This is so cute,thank you." I hugged him from across the table. "I figured you'd like it,besides Valentine's around the corner." 

Oops thats right Valentine's day i remembered since the coffee shop is filled with heart shaped balloons and pink and red decorations "Thanks Mikey but you shouldnt spend your money on me." "Thats no problem with me..well let's start with math." He opened his notebook and I began to help him with the math problem.The door bell rang and Mikey looked up and whispered "Emily dom't look back but my brother and the rest are there." Great the scooby doo gang finally arrived "Look what we have here!" Gerard beamed and looked at both of us "Guess you two are on a date then."

I blushed a deep red and shouted "N-no were not." "But you two look really cute together." "Yeah i agree." Ray and Bob both spoke.Frank was behind everyone with his hood up and he wasnt looking at me either "Gerard..stop embarrassing me." "I just want my brother to finally have a girl-" Before Gerard could finish his sentence, Mikey slammed his hands against the table and shouted at Gerard and ran out of the shop.

"Mikey wait!!" I grabbed his belongings and followed him outside "Mikey!!" I shouted his name and began to walk around trying to find him.Damn it Gerard you hurt you brother you already know he's sensible "Michael!" I sigh content once i saw him behind a tree sitting hugging his knees "Leave me alone." I can tell he was crying "Mikey.Im sorry for what happened back there." "Why does he always treat me this way.Im not little anymore and i can do whatever I want not like him he keeps on pushing me when he's the one who's suffering more than i am." I leaned towards him and I wrapped my hands around his waist and felt his tense.

Gerard's pov

"Damn it Gerard." I look back at Ray who said it "You're right i dont know what got me.Lets go and find them." I walk out first with the others following "I think i know where he is." I begin to run towards the cemetery and I see him up ahead and I stop and look at Emily hugging my brother "Emily?" 

"Hey!" I shout at Frank and I begin to follow after him "Whats going on in this world right now." I past an empty ally and saw Frank "What the hell man?! You may be short but you run faster than me." I joke.He doesnt say anything "The fucks up man? If you want me to help you gotta tell me.Why arent you talking to Emily and why did you run away?" 

I looked back surprised to see Frank crying its so rare to see him crying "The fuck are you crying?! Dont tell me Emily?" He nodded his head "Fuck." I mutter.I kinda have a crush on her too and apparently Mikey now does too "I got jealous when I saw you flirting with her and now she hates me." What do I say what do I say?!! 

"Calm down man i dont think she hates you she's just a little annoyed that you havent tried to speak to her again.Besides I do gotta say that you have to treat her nice cause the other day i saw he nose bleeding cause of you-" "You mean i gotta change so she can like me." "I dont know man.I never understand girls but i think you should start by trying to talk to her and making her one of those cards girls always get in school." 

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