Chapter 25 She's The Prettiest Girl At The Party

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Sorry I havent updated so for that I wrote a longer chapter for you to enjoy btw please listen to the sing while reading.Please remember to vote or comment...

Its felt like months that I've been living with this woman and she's been driving me crazy.Hannah and I are still planning to run away and we have a few amount of money for it as for Frank and I we haven't spoken very much nor with the rest of MCR they have all been busy with the band and writing songs which isnt that easy. Right now I'm taking my lunch break with Hannah and we'll be heading to the Dvd store to pick up a few movies. 

"So what movie will we be buying?" 

"I've been wanting to see Silence Of The Lambs so a while,so I guess i'll buy it." 

I told he as we finished our food and headed to the store and started looking for other movies she wanted while I had mine in hand. I looked over the corner of my eye and saw a guy with black hair and a purple streak on it and he was dressed in all black with a BVB t-shirt.

"Tony?! I haven't seen you in a while." 

Hannah went over and said hello to the guy...wait so she knows him?! Oh damn I hate getting to know more people.Suddenly I felt her grab my wrist and she dragged me over to where she was standing. "Emily this is an old friend of mine his name is Tony."

"Tony this is Emily."

The guy gave me a small smile and I could see that he was blue eyes and he's very pale like me."Um hello there." I awkwardly answer and Hannah nudged me making me look at her.

"Stop blushing,Emily."

 "Hey i like your shirt." He smiles once he saw my BVB shirt,why are we wearing matching shirts?! After a while of talking he left.I frowned and looked over by a mirror to see if I was blushing and I wasn't. We talked for a bit and Hannah told Tony that we would meet him up later tonight.Before He left he hugged me and kissed my cheek for some fucking reason..

"Why did you say that?!" I tell her once we exited the store and headed to Hot Topic. She smiled again which was quite annoying now "Come on its obvious that he likes you and you like him."

"No I don't besides I have a boyfriend and I love him very much and I won't ever leave him..." She laughed a bit and spoke again "Yeah but I don't see him here besides maybe He has a girlfriend already." "Frank isn't that kind of guy believe me now will you stop."

I walked up ahead leaving her behind "Hey kid,Everything alright?" I stopped and nodded my head feeling sad again "Yeah im fine.Rose how do you know if someone really is your friend?" "Well they'll be there for you no matter what and they won't judge you or anything."

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