[Chapter 2]

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Evan gasps and stands up from the surprisingly, cold floor. He looked at the empty chair in the middle of the small office and then puts his full attention on the monitor.

He slowly grabs the tablet looking monitor and turns it on to reveal a stage with three creepy looking animatronics.

He cringes at the sight of the horrifying robots. He sets the monitor down and looks around, he suddenly remembers his friends getting sucked in too.

"Guys! Are you all here?" Evan yells, his voice echoing in the empty pizzeria.

He hear's movement behind him and he jumps instantly. He hopes that it isn't one of the animatronics, but he knows that all this must be a dream.

"Who is there?" Evan says, his heart racing each second. He looks around and finds what seems to be an old flashlight. He grabs it and turns it on then points it towards the movement. He gasps at the sight of his friends on the floor.

"Guys!" He yells and runs towards their bodies. He crouches beside what seems to be Brock's body and shakes him.

"Mmmm, stop it." He says in a sleepy voice. Evan frowns as he now see's that his friends were put to sleep. He continues to shake Brock by the shoulders until he sits up straight.

"Wha? What's going on? Evan?" Brock stares at the now calm Evan. Evan is glad that he has his friends to help go through this confusing moment with him.

"Help me wake them up Brock, then I will explain as soon as their all up." Evan says and Brock nods, going to Lui since he was the closest.

"Hey!" Lui sits up and looks around. His face has confusion written all over it. Brock tells him something which made Lui help us wake the others. Lui goes towards David (Nogla) and shakes him awake.

"Ah...What the fock Lui...wait, how are you in Ireland!" David sits up and looks around, his breathing was getting out of control.

"David, listen to me okay, Evan is gonna explain now sit here and wait until everybody has been woken." David stares at Lui and looks over at Evan and Brock. David then nods in agreement and Lui went on towards Tyler.

"Who the fuck is touching me!?" Tyler says, as he sits up and looks around.

"Lui? What the hell is going on...Wait where's Craig!" Tyler searches the place and see's the limp body of the younger male himself.

"Craig!" Tyler crawls towards him and shakes him awake. Craig opens his eyes and when his vision adjusts, his eyes grew wide open and he let's out a scream.

"T-Tyler! Wha...What are you doing?" Craig says and he then started looking around.

"Oh my god...Please tell me this is a dream." Craig says and when he looks at Tyler, he had the same expression as him. Craig then pinches himself which shot a little wave of pain around that area he pinched.

"Oh my god..." Craig soon started to freak out but Tyler tried to calm him down. Brock goes towards Marcel's body and shakes him, Marcel though kept sleeping.

"Marcel, Wake up." Brock would say and after a few more attempts, he wakes up with a scared look.

"Brock, where the fuck are we?" Marcel questions but Brock tells him that soon Evan will explain, Marcel nods and looks over at Lui and David who have sat down beside him.

While that was going on, Evan goes towards an unknown body. The person was wearing a blue hoodie, though Evan had a thought to who it may be.

"Hey Brock, is that who I think it is?" Evan asks the now calm Brock and he turns to have the blue hooded body in his view.

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