Too Close

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Thank you everyone for the awesome feedback I've been getting on this new direction!!! My new story is taking off faster then any other book I've done on Wattpad. Don't know what I'm talking about? SAME ON YOU! My new story is called Through The Thorns. GO CHECK IT OUT, if you haven't yet of course!

Just for everyone information, I'm not feeling well. I woke up this morning just sicker then a dog. I'm simply writing this chapter because I don't want to disappoint anyone with waiting. 

I'm dedicating this chapter to NatashaHolloway6, she was the VERY first to comment on the last chapter, and she's writing her VERY FIRST STORY ON HERE!! I know the guts it takes, so I'm telling each and everyone on of you to go read her story! I've added a link to it, so GO!

Song of the day is- "Too Close" by Alex Clare

To Love and Forget

Too Close

Kendra's' POV

He's here! He's really here! Carlos stood in front of me, in all his new muscle glory, just staring at me. How? Why? But I thought....?

My thoughts started running into each other at that point. I couldn't believe he was here! I had dreamed of this moment for the last two years. Two, long grueling years. Hoping, wishing, and even praying that he would return safely.

I started feeling shaky, light headed even. I think I was going to be sick. The adrenaline was soaring through my system. I was in shock. I sat down carefully, right where I had been standing, alarming Carlos.

"Baby, what's wrong?" He exclaimed and ran to my side. I was okay, but I just needed to sit down. "Kendra, what's the matter?"

I put my hand up to silence him, which worked immediately. I just needed s second, a moment to myself. As much as I just wanted to jump up and down with glee, the shock was taking a complete affect.

After a minute or so, just sitting on the floor, Carlos put his arms around me. Oh how I had missed this feeling. He really had built up a lot of muscle in the time he was gone. It made him even sexier. Not that he needed to be or anything. I still loved him like it was two years ago, maybe more. 

Carlos quickly scooped me up in his arms, my weight still not effecting him in the slightest. I had gained quite a bit recently, so I knew I wasn't light.

He took me over to the ratted green couch he had against the wall right next to the door. Instead of just setting me down on it, he sat down and put me in his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck, putting my head in the crook of it. I inhaled deeply, missing the smell of him. 

My memory of it didn't do any justice. His body wash smelled a million times better then what I remembered. I held onto Carlos as if my life depended on it.

In a way, it really did. My love for him never wavered. No. I would say it just got put on hold. If that even made sense. 

He's back.

Carlos' POV

Damn she's lost some weight! I hadn't expected to come back, if I even did at all, to the exact same Kendra, no. I knew that was never going to happen. I just hadn't expected a totally different Kendra either.

She was almost skin and bones. Her curves were gone, her eyes sank in slightly, and her skin had a grey ting to it. She looked like death warmed over.

But still beautiful as ever.

She was MY Kendra. The one I fought so hard for. The one that stayed on my mind for the last two years, six months, and eighteen days. Want me to tell you the hours too? I probably could if I sat and thought for about, oh, three minutes.

To Love and Forget- Aryan Brotherhood Series *Complete*Where stories live. Discover now