You What?

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Hello everyone! so sorry i've been gone for a few days. I know you're all use to me updating everyday however, Friday night I was *cough* drunk *cough* so I didn't update, and Saturday I was recovering from Friday lol.

Anyhow, this chapter was edited by the person responsible for Friday kendracollins0 (she's the one who took me to the bar so blame her not me) love ya Kendra! (She's saying I begged her to take me, so not true)

Song of the day is Confessions Part II by Usher (Please for those who think Usher is amazingly hot, don't drool over the video)

Please vote and comment!!! I would also like for a few new fans since I haven't gotten any in a while!!!!! Fanning is always awesome :D

You What?

Carlos' POV

I was awoken by someone throwing the blankets off of me and the curtains being thrown open. Thank god I didn't drink as much as Kendra last night, or else I would be seriously pissed and cussing up a storm at someone. I groaned, throwing my arm over my still closed eyes. Ok, I may not have a hangover from hell, but it was still to early to be woken up like this. It's not like there was anything important that I just HAD to be at. Was there? I don't think so. I had already told Justin that I would be quitting and everything. Kyle and I didn't have the final fitting for our tuxes for another week. So who the hell is waking me  up?

"Get up sleepy head!" I heard Shelly say, rather loudly. Maybe I do have a bit of a hangover. I rolled over, buried my face in the pillow and went to wrap an arm around Kendra, but came up empty. I lifted my head and ever so slowly, opened my eyes. Why is the sun always so bright? God must hate me. I looked down to where Kendra should be sleeping and just like I thought, she wasn't there.

"She's in the main house." Shelly said from behind me. I rolled back over, wincing as my head moved, and tried to find her. She was going through my dresser trying to find something for me to wear I assume. When she found something suitable, she threw the clothes at me with an order to get dressed. She walked out of the room and a few seconds later I heard the front door shut. Again, why do I need to be up?

I got dressed as quickly as my tired and soar body would allow me. Why did she pick out nice stuff? Shelly had thrown me khaki tan pants with a blue polo shirt. Yes, that's what I consider dressing up. I put on my shoes and made my way to the main house to see what the huge fuss was about. Wait a minute. It's Tuesday. Shouldn't Shelly and Kyle be at school? It seemed like these two were never at school anymore. I wonder if they'll be able to graduate with as much school as they miss out on. I dismissed the thought immediately. Kyle was talking to scouts to go away to have a football career. There's no way he would screw that up.

I walked into the main house and the smell of eggs, bacon, and pancakes filled my nose. My stomach growled at the delicious smells. Shelly must be in a very good mood to have cooked everyone breakfast. I looked around the room seeing that I was actually alone. What the hell? Surely Kyle could smell this.

"Take a seat and dig in." Shelly said as she came back into the room. I did as she told me to and made a plate. "Eat enough to make it until this afternoon. All three of us have a busy day ahead of us." Three? Was Kendra not included? She is my girlfriend, and Shelly's maid of honor, after all. Should we start including her is what's going on?

"What about Kendra?" I asked as I buttered my pancakes.

"She's part of the three. Kyle isn't coming. He's at school." Shelly said taking a seat across from me. She piled on her plate almost half the bacon and started eating away.

"If Kyle's at school," I started pouring syrup on my pancakes as Kendra walked in the room. She took the seat next to me and started making her own plate of food. She didn't look hungover. Maybe she was one of those lucky few that didn't have to deal with the hangover curse. "Morning sweetie." I lightly kissed her forehead and turned back to Shelly. "Anyway, if Kyle's at school how come you're not?"

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