Chapter 1: Discover

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Rayne Hunter's POV:

The soft, dull, drone of a news reporters voice buzzed in my ear. I numbly reached for the remote and clicked the television off. I laid back and stared into the dark ceiling. My body ached all over, but the cool night air from the open window soothingly brushed over the aching muscles. I had to get up soon. I got up and softly slid on my clothes. Same t-shirt and same pants. I quietly opened the door and successfully avoided all of the creaking boards. I could hear noises from my mother's room and I figured her "man of the night" hadn't left yet.

"You should probably go, my daughter should be getting up soon," I heard my mother say through the paper thin walls. I was already out the door. I pried open the emergency exit doors and quietly ran down the old metal stairs. I felt the familiar rush of adrenaline as the stairs shook unsteadily beneath my feet. I expertly shifted my weight to keep balanced. I came to a dangerous stop at the edge of the landing. The rusty remains of a ladder barely clung to the metal. The tips of my batman converse hung over the edge. A small smile made its way to my lips and with the landing still quite a ways up from the floor, I jumped. I loosened my knees and let my body absorb the fall. My breath rushed out in front me in puffs of smoke. The cold night chill rushed over my bare arms. The skin clinging fabric of my pants stretched as I walked forward. My t-shirt let the air brush it's cold bitter fingers across the skin beneath it. I headed for the familiar destination.


"Welcome back, sweet cheeks," A familiar voice rumbled. My eyes shot up to the handsome face of Matt Smith. A smirk crept up to my face and I raised an eyebrow.

"Miss me, hot shot?" I inquired. He let out a chuckle and I let him wrap an arm around my waist as he led me into the chaos. It was no secret that Matt had long since had a bit of a crush on me. I enjoyed toying with him and everyone, even him, knew so. The square wrestling ring came into view. This whole warehouse had been abandoned a long time ago. It was converted into an underground fighting spot. I was always brought along to knock down any cocky fighters thinking they were big and bad. I didn't miss a beat as my eyes landed upon all 6'3" of my opponent. I also didn't bat an eye once I caught sight of his bulging muscles.

"This ought to be easy," He had a surprisingly high voice. His features and accent hinted that he was of Spanish background. I shrugged my shirt off and stripped down into a sports bra and shorts. My long pale legs led me up into the ring and I threw my waist length blonde hair into a bun. I slipped on my trusty black fingerless gloves and let loose a stunning grin. As soon as the ring leader said go, the man didn't stand a chance.


I wiped the blood from my split lip. My eyes drifted to the semi conscious man still lying on the ring floor and I felt a twinge of guilt, but it was gone as soon as the money landed in my hand. I stuck it securely in my knapsack, glad this months rent was taken care of.

"I think that was a new record," Matt started, back by my side.

"Lucky guy got a hit in though, I won't be able to hide that,"

"Who's going to notice?" He asked, the truth ringing in his words. I ignored his bluntness, long used to it. I shrugged.

"I'm heading home," I announced and a chorus of goodbyes met my ears.


I noticed the flames right away. My tall apartment building stood in the distance and my pace quickened. I made it just as the fire grew into a raging inferno. I focused hard and dark thunder clouds rolled in. Soon, rain was pouring down as I rushed into the building. The raging rain quieted the flames down but blurred my vision. I lessened the gravity around the building to keep the frail and broken building up. I quickly found my mom. She was struggling to get dressed and was coughing from the smoke filled air. I grabbed her and quickly lifted her up, her body becoming weightless. I ignored her struggling and stumbled out of the building. My lungs were full of smoke and my eyes were burning. I dropped to the ground as soon as we left the building, all gravity returned and the storm slowly dissipated. The building gave a low groaning sound before crumpling to the ground. I turned and found my mom staring at me. Her body was sitting on the ground by mine. Her face was full of wonder.

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