Chapter 3: Biding Time

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Adelia Faye's POV

"Enough!" I said looking at the two girls following me. "This, this, whatever it is, isn't going to work with you all being moody." I told them. Rayne just looked at me and shook her head. Marcie's face slowly became red, as tears leaked steadily down her face.

"You wouldn't understand! I just lost my mother because of my abilities!" Marcie broke down and started crying after her outburst.

"It's all my fault, you wouldn't understand, you guys have family," she sobbed up at us.

"You think you're the only one with family problems?" Rayne asks her, her voice coming out cold. Marcie doesn't look up.

"My mother disowned me because I was a monster in her eyes, I don't even know who my father is, but I know he's the reason I'm like this!" she turns her back on us. I look at Marcie, and I slowly begin to realize how messed up all of our lives are.

"My mom died because I wasn't able to handle all of the voices, the pressure, the knowledge," I paused and looked at the ground, "-the power, that comes with my ability. It drove her insane.

"No," I continued, "I drove her insane." I couldn't meet their eyes. It soon began to sink in. We're all alone. After awhile of silence a ringtone began to play, breaking the silence. I look down and see its my phone. I look at the caller ID. 'Mitch'

"Hello?" I say answering the phone.

"Oy! Addiiieeee, What's up baby?" was the answer from the other end of the phone. I look quickly at Rayne and Marcie, my past suddenly thrown back at me. I'm filled with shame and I walk a ways away until I start talking.

"I'm a little busy right now, could I call you later?" I asked him.

"what? No! Addie, babe, you've gotta see this!" I heave a sigh.

"Not now Mitch," I tell him. I hear a voice, and then the sound of rustling.

"You need to come here," the voice sounded suspiciously like Ryder.

"Look-" I began only to be cut off. I heard the sound of yelling, and then suddenly the phone moved again.

"Sweetheart, sweetheart, I suggest you listen to your friends," I didn't recognize the voice, it was deep, and had some kind of accent. I tried to reach out with my mind to see if I could identify the speaker through the phone, but I couldn't get past the phone. "Nice try, but I know who you are," the voice continued, "and I suggest if you want your friends alive you'll come quickly." with that he hung up the phone. I looked down at the phone in horror.

"He can stop my ability?" I mumbled to myself, dread filling my stomach. "We need to go," I told the others.

"Why? What happened?" Marcie asks.

"The same people who got your mom, have my friends," I told them.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go," Rayne yells.

Rayne's POV:

My mind was racing as we ran towards where Adelia was leading us. Adelia came to a sudden stop before a small pathway. It was a worn path in the grass that lead down towards a lake. It was littered with cigarette buds and empty cans. We made no noise as we walked down the path. There was no noise of any kind, insects and birds were quiet. A shrill scream pierced the air and Adelia took off in a run. I tried to yell wait but I was too late. Marcie zoomed after her and I stayed still. I remembered what happened with the last guy and I cautiously walked around the path. My pace was hurried but quiet. I soon spotted enemies hidden among the bushes. I quietly took them out as I made my way to Adelia. I stopped in the shadows and watched what was happening. A huge man held a small, tan, girl in his arms. The glinting metal of a gun was pressed to her temple. I could hear her sobs.

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