Chapter 4: The Symbol

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Adelia Faye's POV

"Where are they?" I wondered aloud as I paced back and forth impatiently. I reach out with my mind expanding the range of the circle it was making. Looking for anything with intelligence, but all I stumbled across were meaningless chatter of nearby animals. My mind wandered as I waited idly for Rayne and Marcie to show up. I scanned the area for them one more time and came across a blank spot. My pulse quickened at the thought of what that means. I quickly entered into the blank spot and began to panic at what was just proven to be correct. Someone just died. I ran towards the spot, my throat tightening on itself. 'Is it Rayne? Is it Marcie?' My mind wondered with the possibilities. I reach the spot and stop dead in my tracks.

"Hey," Marcie says suddenly, scaring me, "Im here, ready to start?"

I move out of the way so she can see the body laying on the cold ground in front of me. "Isn't that?" Marcie began only to be interrupted by Rayne.

"That symbol!" Comes her voice, "That's tattooed on my new sponsors neck! And now that I think about it, it was tattooed on those other guys also."

I look down at the body and see a symbol etched into the skin of the forehead.

"That's right!" Marcie says, "but we have other problems. They're starting to target people around us."

Rayne looks over Marcie's shoulder and gasps at what she sees. "Is that," Rayne stops mid sentence and looks at me. I nod, tears slowly slipping down my face. "My aunt," I confirm for them, sobs choking my throat making my words come out choppy. I slowly let the tears subside and pull my act together. I look up at Marcie and Rayne's faces and see a wide arrange of emotions. "If they just got to my aunt, and they already took Marcie's mom, we need to advise a plan to protect Rayne's mom," I tell them my voice coming out hoarse. Marcie gives me a sympathetic look and turns to a grief stricken Rayne, as if the realization that her mom might be in danger just hits her.

"Well, we need to search this symbol and find out what it means and who it is," I begin coming back to my normal self, forgetting about my aunt for now. I look down at her body one last time, and see a corner of paper sticking out. "Wait," I yell out to Rayne who was preparing to bury her. I hurriedly reach down and picked up the note.

"We know. We know who you are close too. We know where they live. We know how to take you down, one body at a time. So, watch out, or should I say mind your own business? Interfere anymore and you'll never see anyone you ever cared about ever again.

Hope we don't need to have a run in again, heroes." I read out loud. "Then there is that odd symbol," I said referencing the picture drawn at the bottom. It looked like a snake wrapped around a backwards 7.

"A little harsh don't you think? Dragging us into this messed up scheme by killing our loved ones and then telling us to stay out of it?" Marcie yells at no one in particular.

"I'm done with this right now," I tell them, "Im going home."

I turned around and walked away without another word. I slowly make my way home. I open the door and it creaks. I step through the door and into the empty house that will forever be empty. I'm alone in this big house now. I walk up the stairs and see my aunts room open. I see a letter on her bed,

"I know you probably think I'm a terrible person, but when you were dropped on my doorstep I didn't know what to do," I read the note to myself, tears springing back into my eyes, "I wasn't going to let you go trough life regretting your past, I wanted to make you fulfill your life to the very best it could be and if that makes me a bad person so be it," I continued, "I saved this note for the day that I'm going to die, but the gentleman who showed up said that day is today, I wanted to let you know that despite what you think, I truly love you, and the beautiful woman you have become." The note ends there. My tears sprinkle the page as I curl up with the note, I lay down on her bed and fall asleep.

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