Chapter 2: Introductions

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Rayne Hunter's POV:

I didn't even break a sweat as I landed the final blow on my opponent. His huge body stumbled from the impact and he fell out of the ring. I stepped off and turned to the side. A figure caught my eyes. A slight girl stood off to the side, her eyes were wide and knowing. She had a slight teasing smile, like she knew something that you didn't. I approached her cautiously, my feet didn't make a sound as I walked. I slowly stopped in front of her.

"Hello." She said to me. Her long black hair fell in waves around her shoulders.

"Who are you?" I rolled my shoulders and shifted between my feet.

She smiled.

"I'm not here to hurt you,"

I gave her a confused look. Her eyes darted to the left and landed on my opponents manager. They glared darkly over here.

"Let's talk somewhere more private," She offered. She turned around and I followed her suspiciously. She walked quite a bit aways, out into the chilly night and I followed her quietly. She climbed down into a dry riverbed and I quickly followed. She turned around suddenly and just looked at me.

"You're not... normal," I vouched.

"Neither are you,"

Painful memories flashed by but I pushed them away. Her smiled vanished and she fished a newspaper from her bag. 'UFO spotted in sky,' was the bright headline. I gave her a look.

"Really?" I asked, my voice full of skepticism. She didn't answer just pulled another paper out of her back pocket. It was an enlarged photo, I recognized the background, it was the picture in the newspaper. It was zoomed in and you could make out grainy red hair and a backpack. The initials FHS were embroidered on its dark canvas. I looked back up at the dark haired girl.

"What's your name?"

"My name is Adelia. Adelia Faye."

I nodded my head slightly.

"Rayne Hunter," I offered in return.

"We need to find this girl," Adelia said, pointing to the blurry figure. I bit my lip in contemplation. Adelia's eyes snapped up and she grabbed the papers. She stuffed them in her bag.

"Ray? You out here?" I heard Matt call. I looked at Adelia one more time.

"Meet back here at seven in the morning sharp, tomorrow," I backed up and turned around. I ran towards Matt's voice.

"Right here," I called back. I stopped in front of Matt before explaining to him that I was going home. He nodded before saying something but I was too focused on what just happened. I quickly walked home and waited for seven o'clock to show up.


I pulled my hair into a high ponytail. My green eyes were rimmed with last nights make up. I quickly washed it before reapplying it. I put on my tight pants and tank top. I slipped on a pair of boots before making my way to the river bed. I left the abandoned building I was sleeping in. I quickly came upon the spot we were meeting. My eyes quickly caught sight of Adelia. The sun was up in the sky and people were moving about. School buses thundered by and we made our way towards Franklin High School.


"It's been forever since I've been here," I said, looking around.

"But you dropped out Freshman year to support your mom?" She finished. I gave her a bewildered look. She let out a small laugh and tapped her head. We walked into the front office.

"Are you guys new students?" A secretary asked. We nodded and the secretary gave us an expectant look.

"Adelia Faye and Rayne Hunter," Adelia stated. A look of confusion crossed the secretary's features as she searched her computer.

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