Chapter 5: New Ablilites

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Marcie's POV:

As a 16 year old, now-homeless girl with a dead mother, I'm sure one could imagine I was being frantically looked for by the authorities.

And one would be correct.

I was being hunted as a suspect in a gruesome crime involving the stabbing of a 44 year old woman and assault on a mysterious male in a not-so-good neighborhood.

I had seen pictures of myself on the news; underneath, the words

"If you have any information, call the toll-free number below."

However, I usually did a well enough job blending in with my surroundings while in public. My trademark bright red hair would be a sure give away, and no one wanted me to get arrested and sent to an institution of some kind, though if I would've ever been apprehended, I'm sure I could've found my way to the front door without much trouble. And anyway, it wasn't the police I was afraid of.

Weeks after Matt's kidnapping, Adelia concluded that our training had improved enough to where if we were to come face to face with our villains, we would not instantly be shot dead. That was the news Rayne had been waiting for.

It was in the middle of one of our training sessions on a Sunday afternoon.

Rayne, holding a long aluminum baseball bat, took a strong swing at me, knocking me flat. I could see her through two blurred eyes looking around confused. I was still invisible.

"Marcie?" She muttered under her breath. I turned to my left to see a smiling Adelia. I took this chance.

Standing up with super speed I ran to Rayne, knocking her on her back. I noticed a hint of confusion mixed with fear searing into her hardened expression. The sky darkened with a sinister film of cloud. I took the bat and pressed it against her throat. Smiling, I let myself become visible.

"Check mate." I said in a playful tone. Then getting up, I offered my hand to her, which she reluctantly took.

I heard clapping coming from behind me.

"Well done Marc, you've learned to focus." Adelia said with a congratulatory grin.

Rayne was about to pat me on the back when the sirens blared. These were not police sirens, they were the military base's emergency sirens. Armored Humvees and armed military personnel scattered around us, encircling us in an impregnable line of defense. This empty field was sure to turn into a reenactment of an updated version of the Battle of Gettysburg. With up to 50 guns pointed at us a voice spoke stern and clear through a mega horn.

"Put your hands up now and we will not shoot. Failure to comply will result in firing."

Rayne, thinking on her feet, rolled in mists and dense fog. Thunder clouds rumbling above. We heard men mumbling and muttering.

Adelia entered my head

"you fly straight up on three and take as many guys out as you can, I've told Rayne what she will do... One. Two."

Out in the open she screamed the last number "THREE!"

I shot into the sky like a bullet, swerving around then plowing into shooting men. The sound of rounds firing off was deafening. Then, the cars, along with men, were suddenly flung up into the air with zero-gravity force. Guns stopped firing and grown men screamed.

Sound stopped.

Silence and ringing ran through my ears as the objects fell back to Earth. Sound crawled back to my right ear back while stinging ran to my left. I touched my left ear and heard nothing, when I pulled back my finger came back bloody. I wasn't even sure if I had an ear.

I sped towards my fellow heroes and Rayne said one word


So I did.

We stumbled back to our safe house, bloody and broken.

I checked the dirty mirror on the wall, sound creeped back to both sides of my head and sure enough, I was missing half of my left ear.

"What a day." I spoke as I stopped the bleeding.

"What a day."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2014 ⏰

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