Yearning for love

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*Hermione's POV*

I'm  sitting in the Leaky Cauldron, sipping my Firewhisky. It's my weekend, but soon I will have to go back to work at the Ministry of Magic. Not that I mind, I mean, this is my dream, right? Yes, of course it was, I told myself. Was. I sigh, standing up and walking out into the dusty, loud Diagon Alley.

Walking back to my flat ( I'm feeling a little tipsy after my drink, so I don't Disapparate) I have a chance to think. Something is missing in my life, something vital, but I can't quite put my finger on it. As I cross the street, I notice a Muggle couple standing in each other's arms. That's when it hits me. "I need a boyfriend!" I gasp.

"Hermione, I'm telling you, if you want a boyfriend, you need to get out there! Let your hair down, have some fun for once in your life." Ginny explains, sitting on my second hand couch. I smile, pacing back and forth, trying to articulate a sentence to explain the rushing medley of thoughts inside my head. " I know that, Ginny. It's just, I mean, 'getting out there' is just not what I do! I'm a couch potato, a desk jockey, a key presser." I slump down next to Ginny, sighing. Ginny shakes her head. "Child, in my many years of experience with boys I can tell you one thing. If it's love, the guy doesn't care. He just loves you for who you are. But getting out there will definitely help with the finding process. Hey, maybe you should meet Harry."

What? I'm so confused? "Who's Harry?" Ginny laughs. "My boyfriend! We met at the Leaky Cauldron. Maybe he has some friends he could introduce you to!" 

I shake my head. "First of all, I was literally at Leaky Cauldron three hours ago, and I didn't meet anyone. Second of all, I'm sure 'Harry', if that is his real name, doesn't want to be involved with me." 

"No, no 'Mione, Harry is really nice. I've met some of his friends, and there's a few hot hunks on the list, I can tell you that much! Trust, girlfriend, trust." I nod. It's worth a shot, I suppose. Maybe love is on the table?


Hi guys! This is my first fanfiction, and I'm really enjoying writing it. I ship Ron and Hermione, because sometimes mismatched love is perfect love. I remember reading the first book when I was younger and thinking 'Hermione is going to end up with either Harry or Ron.' Then I started thinking 'Harry always gets stuff. Ron's always the sidekick. I think it would be good if Ron and Hermione got together.' So yeah! Anyways, thanks so much for reading!


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