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He holds me close in a tight hug, and whispers nothingness into my ear. Silent tears stream down my face as I hold him in my arms. The door opens and Ginny and Harry walk in...

*Ron's POV*

Harry and Ginny stare at us. We stare back. What a sight we must look. Both covered in tears, holding each other so tight we could be one person. We must look so ridiculous.

Ginny high-fives Harry. "Woo-hoo! I knew it!" Ginny laughs.

"We talked for, like, the whole date about this. How you guys would be a perfect match. OMG, you guys are so cute together!" Harry grins widely.

"So, don't mind us, let's let these lovebirds get back down to business!" Ginny squeals. Harry and Ginny romp up the stairs, presumably to 'get down to business' in Harry's room. Hermione just looks at me.

"That was totes awks." I say, trying to lighten the mood.

She smiles. "Well, they'll have to get used to it. We're an item now. "

I nod. "Yeah, we're Romione!"

Hermione giggles. Gosh, I love it when she does that. It drives me wild. She kisses me this time, and I kiss her back, with growing intensity. I start fiddling with her bra strap, and she starts undoing my fly. This is it, I think. This is it. But then I come to my senses, and break away.

"We can't do this." I say, dejectedly.

She tries to catch her breath. "Why not?"

"Because we only met a few hours ago. I have to get to know you a little better. Go on a few dates. I'm sorry."

She nods slowly. "That's fine, Ron. I have to go home anyway. What about you?"

"Yeah. Want me to walk you home?" I ask hopefully.

A light seems to flash on behind her eyes. "Yes." She says.

*Hermione's POV*

We walk out the door and start the slow walk to my house. Obviously, he doesn't know where I live, so I guide him through the backstreets of my neighbourhood. He's my boyfriend now, so he'll be here often. Wow, I love saying that. I have a boyfriend. You might as well say I'm married, because I feel certain this man is my future husband! Stop it Hermione!

We walk up the steps of my house. I hope my roommate, Angelina Johnson, is here, because there is some serious chatting to be had!

"Thanks for walking me here."

He smiles. "That's okay. It meant I could spend more time with you." He kisses me softly. We stay there for a minute or two before he gently pulls away, doffs his hat, and walks back to his own house, I assume.

I step inside, close the door, and jump around the room, giggling. Angelina runs in.

"Yo bro! I'm assuming the date went well!"

I slump on the couch. "Very well."

"You have to tell me everything."

"Well, his name is Ronald Weasley, and-"

Angelina interrupts me. "Weasley?"

"Yes, why?" I ask, a bit ruffled by her interruption.

"That's George's last name. They must be brothers or something!

I nod slowly. "Oh, your boyfriend George! That's so cool! Anyway, he is so charming. We like, fell in love with each other immediately, but didn't show it until the scary part of the horror movie. He is so romantic... And a great kisser. I swear Angelina, that man is my lobster."

She gasps. "Your lobster? The one? Your love for life?"

"That's the one!" I smile proudly, then realise I have to go back to work tomorrow. I just want to spend forever with Ron. I want to go to sleep in his arms, and wake up with him. I realise that I never, ever, want to leave his side.

"OMG this is so amazing, my bestie met her lobster! You'll have to tell Ginny how it went!"

I tilt my head. "Actually, she kind of knows..."

*Ron's POV*

I disapparate back to Harry's house to pick up my coat. As I walk in, I notice Ginny is gone, and Harry is sitting on the couch, where Hermione and I were not an hour ago. I could have kissed her goodbye forever...

"Ronald Bilius Weasley, tell me everything!" Harry stands up and pats me on the back.

We sit down on the couch together. "So, I kinda fell in love with her when I first saw her. Isn't she incredible, Harry?"

He shrugs. "I guess? Personally I prefer Ginny."

I laugh. "Ginny looks like a walrus compared to Hermione." Harry sniggers, but says nothing. "Anyway, when you guys left, she suggested a horror movie on Netflix, and I got real excited, because I thought she wanted Netflix and chill. When the scary part came, she put her hand on my knee and her head on my shoulder, and I wrapped my arm around her. Then when the movie finished, I just went for it, and kissed her. And believe me, the word kiss does not do justice. It was amazing. She cried and hugged me really hard. She must love me too, don't you think so Harry?"

Harry nods. "Yeah, I think she loves you too. Maybe Ginny talked to her, I'll ask her."

Great! I get to know how she feels without asking her and risking looking stupid! "Thanks Harry. This is really important to me. She's my lobster."

Harry leaps up, and points his finger at me. "Woah woah woah bro. She's your lobster? The one? Your love for life? Sick bro! My best mate found his lobster!"

I smile. Yep, I found her. My one and only.

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