Chapter Twelve: Sleepover

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William's POV:
I had no idea what crossed my mind as I crashed my lips against her's. There was an urgency of.......wanting! I couldn't stop myself, especially when she had her arms around my neck as if her life depended on it.

Like she would die if I didn't kiss her.

Jessica crossed my mind once more but I felt nothing when I touch her. No electricity or sparks. No heart racing inside my chest or this kind of effect that Emery gives me.

I tangled my fingers into her blonde curly hair and pushed my tongue inside her mouth. Hot. And sexy.

She moaned as I pressed our bodies together until there was no space left in between us.

I pulled away as soon as I felt her stiffen under me. Was I doing something wrong? Did she not like it?

"I...." she breathed, her eyes still closed. Her cheeks were heated in a faint color of pink and her lips were slightly parted.

"What's wrong, Emery?" I whispered.

"You're not.....we're not supposed to be doing this." She opened her eyes and looked as if she never drank any alcohol in the past hour. As if she was completely sober.

"I-I know....." I mumbled. "But....but you're so-"

She pressed her finger tips against my lips and I felt my lips tingled from her touch. "Don't finish that and my stepsister.....Jessica. She's a good girl, alright?"

What is she talking about?

"I don't want to hurt her.....she really likes you."

So do I. Wait. What?

I shook my head and removed my hands from her. I shouldn't be doing this. Jared said I was with Jessica before everything happened. And I believe him. Because he's my brother.

"Okay.....I'm sorry." I mumbled in a low voice. She looked down and turned around towards the other direction.

I know my place. I know I'm not supposed to do this. Because Jared told me she belonged to him.
Emery's POV:
I messaged Tina and said I had to leave early. She didn't reply so I assume she would see it if she tried to call me later.

I made my way outside to the cold night when someone suddenly pulled me back. I was about to scream for help when I came face to face with Jared.

"Jared! You scared the hell out of me!" I placed my hand over my beating heart. "What are you doing here?"

"I work here...." He stated. That's right! At the police station they said William's guardian was the manager of a night club. "What are you doing here? Aren't you under aged?"

I rolled my eyes. "Pleasee! Don't tell me you've never snuck into a club when you were a teenager before."

"Okay, you got me. But where's your friends? And why are you out here alone? Aren't you afraid someone might attack you?"

"What is this? Twenty questions?" I asked.

He smirked and wrapped his fingers around my wrist. "Let me take you home...."

I nodded and followed him to his car. I buckled myself into the passenger seat as Jared began backing out of the driveway.

I pushed the chair back so I was laying back. I yawned and mumbled to Jared. "Wake me up when we get there." I knew I had forgotten to tell him something but before I could remember what it was, I drifted off to sleep.
I rolled over as I felt the sun shining to my eyes, creating a bright red light over my eyelids. It was very warm and comfy. Something was around my waist but I ignored it as I slowly drifted back to sleep.

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