Chapter 1:Confrontation

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The wind blew, white, thin sheets of paper over the freshly cut grass. Dew seeped into the white paper and little black marks spread on it like a disease. A frustrated yell emitted from a voice nearby. The yell
to a silent moan when the person picked it up. But, it couldn't be salvaged.

"Great, now what the hell am I suppose to do?" Jade Harris said from frustration. She dropped to her knees and pulled out a sandwich bag from her book bag. "Hopefully I can still read this when I get home." She put the, now wet, paper into the bag and stood up with it in her hand. She crossed her arms, shivering at the unwanted breeze.

Looking around her peers began to flee campus, going back to their dorms or out to a party. Jade could see silhouettes in the dark night of a couple holding hands and she looked away. She scanned the area and tapped her foot on the grass.

Pulling back, the long, sleeve of her shirt she looked at her watch. "That bastard is late again. How many times is he going to do this to me? That prick!" she said through her teeth.

"Wooohoooo, baby, if your looking for someone to prick you, look no further," a deep voice said from behind her. Jade turned around, noticing five guys, standing on the wall. They were probably some drunk up frat boys. She rolled her eyes and walked to the nearest street light on the sidewalk. She looked up when the light flickered on and off. There was a big moth, that was flying around the light and it seemed to be enchanted with the light. Jade looked at the sandwich bag containing the, now wet, paper.

"This must be my unlucky day," Jade sighed out and looked down the road. No one was coming from either directions and she looked at her watch again.

"I think this is your lucky day sweetheart," a deep, but familiar voice said. She turned around noticing the same, five, guys from before walking her way. The lead guy was in front and had a sly smirk on his face. Jade focused her attention back in front of her and tried to ignore them. "Oh don't play hard to get! Any girl would be lucky to have five guys all to themselves."

"Oh I like them like that," a tall guy said. Jade looked down the road again and began to walk, down the sidewalk, to the next street light. She looked over her shoulder slightly noticing the five guys were still following her. She took her, bag less hand, and pushed a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Wait up!" the leader yelled to her. She could hear soft footsteps behind her, but she dared not look back. She knew she shouldn't, but she quickened her pace just a bit. "HEY!" the leader said jumping in front of her. Startled, slightly, Jade stumbled backwards, bumping into the tall guy of the five. She took a step off the sidewalk trying to go across the road.

"Where do you think your going?" a thin and burly guy said. They stood in front of her and she turned around, only to be stopped by a guy wearing glasses. Jade knew she was surrounded like a wild animal and looked around for anyone else around.but there was no one. The whole area was completely abandoned. She turned to face the leader, who was giving her a silly grin.

He walked toward her and touched her cheek softly. Jade jerked her head away, but he caught her chin in his hands. "What's the matter baby? I don't know about it, but I think you can handle all of us!" he said. The other four guys laughed and the leader seemed to be proud of himself.

"I'm not going to be handling either one of you idiots," Jade said. The leader tipped her head up and looked into her green eyes.

He huffed when she stepped back from him and tried to side step him. He moved in her way and heard her sigh.

"Will you excuse me?" Jade said through her teeth. She moved to his side again, but again he moved in her way. "If you don't get out of my way I'm going make you wish you had."

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