Chapter 7:What a Yummy Mess part 2

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"I certainly don't know what the hell you we're thinking," Zach yelled. 

"Oh, I forgot all about Zach," Jade said scurrying toward him. His chest still was covered in noodles and sauce, but the cloth he had was covered in sauce too, showing he at least tried to clean up. Jade fell down to her knees and picked the pot up that was on the floor.

"I'm sorry!" Jade said. She used her hands to scoop up some of the balls that were around Zach's feet.

"Don't…don't worry about it. Besides, this is good!" Jade raised her head up looking at Zach bite into a saucy meatball.

"Where did you get that?" Jade asked. 

"It was on my chest when the pot spilled and everything came crashing down on me," Zach said. "The sauce is excellent too!" He laughed and stuffed the rest of meatball into his mouth. 

"Well at least you got to taste them," Jade warily laughed. 

"Here give me the pot so I can help you out," Zach said. With a sigh Jade handed him the pot, sitting back on her legs. He opened his legs and scrapped off all the mess that was on his lap. He put the pot back on the floor and stood up. Zach stepped as carefully as possible over the mess on the floor. Jade laughed as his attempts of getting softly on the floor failed and he fell hard on the floor, but one quick look from him made her stop.

"Sorry!" Jade giggled and picked up a meatball.

"You know…stop saying that."

"Stop saying what?"

"Saying your sorry all the damn time," Zach yelled making Jade jump at his tone.

"Well I'm…" Jade started off then, caught his eyes. She looked away and picked another meatball off the floor throwing it into the pot. "Get that meatball over there!" Jade told Zach pointing toward the oven.

"Sure," Zach dismally said. He crawled over and stretched his arm out to grab it. It slipped past his fingers a couple of times leaving a red trail behind it. 

"Zach don't move!" Jade said alarmingly. 

"What, what is it?" Zach asked. Jade crawled towards him, her sweatpants making tiny noises on the tile floor.

"You have sauce on your pants and you're trailing it everywhere!" she said. 

"Is that all it is?" Zach asked shifting his body on the floor to take a look. Jade's small hands stopped him quickly by grabbing him on the shoulder.

"What the hell are you doing? Don't move," Jade said with her eyes wide. 

"Why not? It's just the damn floor getting dirty."

"So, it doesn't mean you have to make more of a mess…"

"Me?" Zach said raising his eyebrows. "Are we forgetting you're the one who spilt everything on me!?"

"Shut the hell up, it was a mistake," Jade reminded him. "Don't move!" she yelled at Zach as he tried to turn around. She looked into his eyes and he gave her a sly smile. "What?"

Zach smiled, showing her a full set of teeth, and reached for the pot. "I think you're going a little crazy!" He finally had the pot in his grasp and sat up, making sure Jade was watching him and didn't know his intentions. "And I've noticed something?"

"What's that?" Jade asked.

"That you need a change of…" Zach said raising the pot over her head, with one hand. "Attitude!" he yelled dumping everything on top of her head. 

Jade shrieked at the waterfall of noodles, sauce and meatballs pouring down on her head. Even more, she was shocked that Zach had the nerve to do it. Wiping sauce from off her eyes she stared at him blankly with her mouth hanging open. He was laughing up a storm, leaning back on his hands.

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