Chapter 9:Going of topic

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"How would you like to accompany Josh and me to a club Friday?" Olivia asked out of the blue. A box fell from the tall stack of boxes Jade was carrying in her arms.

"I thought you left!? Jade said through the boxes. She moved to her side to take a better look at Olivia. "It's almost closing time!"

"Yea well, I did leave Ms. Skank, but I came back to talk to Josh," Olivia said with a smile. 


"Anyway, answer my question! Do you want to come with us or not?" Jade walked a couple of steps and sat the boxes down on a table, bending to pick the other off the floor. Thank goodness they were empty!

"I don't know," Jade said swiping at her forehead.

"We can celebrate you getting that dorm room…"

"I haven't gotten the dorm yet Liv," Jade reminded her friend. She placed her hand on the table, where the boxes were, and leaned on her arm.

"Who gives a fuck about that? Will you just answer the goddamn question?" Olivia said putting her hands on her hip. 

Jade sighed defeated. "Sure, what's the club name?"

"Atta girl, I knew you wouldn't let me down. It's that new club that just opened called 'Hot Damn'" Olivia told Jade. 

"Whoa wait a minute! You mean that new club, where you have to be 21 or up to get in?" Jade asked questioningly, her voice rising slightly.


"Do you honestly think that their going to allow a 20 and 19 year old into this club?"

"No, but…"

"And no way in hell am I going to be sneaking in or buying one of those fake ids's."

"Shut up!" Olivia yelled. She nervously looked around at the people who were looking at her and gave them an apologetic smile. "Look, Josh knows the guy who just opened it and he owes him a favor, so he's going to get us through. Please come with us!" Olivia said, giving a pout.

"Ok, ok, ok, I just don't want to get in trouble," Jade mumbled out. Olivia smiled and flung her arms around Jade's neck, giving her a tight hug.

"Thank you, I just didn't want to go out with him alone. Just in case he gets boring I can chill with you," Olivia winked at Jade, letting go of her neck.

"Jade, Olivia," Josh said walking towards them. "Its closing time, so I think you girls should get going," he informed both girls.

"I'm going back to my dorm then. Jade do you need a ride?" Olivia asked sweetly. 

"NO! NO! NO! I don't need a ride from you…hell on wheels!" Jade said, faltering the last part out.

"Whatever! See you tomorrow!" Olivia waved at Jade and smiled at Josh. "See you much later!" she said to Josh. Jade observe Josh as he smiled and watched Olivia sway out the store. Maybe, she had him pinned wrong and he did like Olivia. That's what she needed!

"I better get outside before Zach thinks I left with some stranger. I'll see you tomorrow," Jade said to Josh, passing him quickly. 

"I called him and told him not to bother, I can take you home," Josh replied. He didn't say that! 

"You told him you were going to take me home?" Jade turned around and asked him. Josh smiled and shook his head casually.

"I want to spend more time with you Jade…"

"Josh…I don't think that's wise because…" Jade interrupted him. Josh took a step towards her, his smile widening.

"Don't say anything; I just want to be with you. Is that such a crime?" Josh asked. Jade looked down at her feet and sucked her teeth.

"Josh," Jade spoke softly. "Please don't Josh, let's just stay how we are now ok! I have too many things on my mind and I…" Jade said, until Josh placed his finger to her lips, to silence her. 

"Don't worry about it. I can wait!" Jade smiled nervously underneath his finger. So, she was wrong about him liking Olivia, but what about Friday!? Olivia acted as though she was going on a date with him or something! She frowned at Josh and crossed her arms. Was he using Olivia to get to her? "I have to lock up so here's the keys, go and make yourself comfortable I won't be to long," Josh said, handing Jade his car keys. 

Jade took the keys out of his hands, but her frown didn't leave her face. "Don't take to long, I need to get home!" Jade angrily said and stomped away from him. 

Jade bumped into an old man reading a book and didn't 'excuse' herself. Once Jade got to the Lexus she slammed the door shut. The air from the slam swirled her hair around her face, causing her anger to rise even more. How dare he ask Olivia out to that 'Hot Damn' club? 

"He's trying to get to you that are all girl! Trying to make you jealous and he's going to hurt Olivia in the process!" Jade said to herself, banging her head on the headrest. "AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH this is so damn frustrating! Why do I have to figure all this shit out on my own?" Jade closed her eyes and relaxed in the seat. A couple of minutes later she heard Josh enter the car, but she kept her eyes closed hoping he would think she dozed off. When she felt the car turn on she knew that he fell for it. At least they didn't have to talk the whole way back. Jade just listened to the tunes that were streaming through the car's stereo system. Josh kept it down to a whisper, guessed he didn't want to wake her up.

"Jade," Josh said, nudging Jade on the shoulder. "Jade your home."

Jade opened her eyes, looking up at the townhouse and faked a yawn. "Thanks for taking me home Josh, I'll see you tomorrow!" Jade said opening her door and getting out.

"Are you doing anything Friday night?" Josh asked. 

Jade was midway of closing the door and ducked to look at him. "No why?"

"I was wondering would you like to go somewhere with me Friday night or something?" Josh asked. 

Jade scoffed, "I'm busy that night Josh!"

"Oh ok! I guess I'll see you tomorrow, bye!" Jade slammed the door and trudged up the, townhouse, steps. She pulled her keys out and threw open the door, slamming it with an incredible force!

"Hey! What's wrong with you! Don't slam the fucking door!?" Zach yelled from the couch. Jade looked into the living room and she could see Zach, barely, as the TV was the only sufficient light.

"I'm sorry I just…why are guys so damn…damn…" Jade said kicking off her shoes and walking towards him.

"What Idiots? Why are we such dogs? What?" Zach asked. He had his legs on the coffee table and dropped them to let Jade walk by to get to the other side of the couch. 

Jade slid past Zach and flopped down, on the couch, placing her arm on the headrest. "Jerks!"

"I think it's because women literally coerce our sex drive to the max, which makes our hormones turn into the syndrome known as 'jerkism'" Zach said smiling at her. 

"And have you ever been taken over by this syndrome?" Jade asked.

Zach rubbed his chin and clicked his tongue. "I would have to say I have, but only once in my life have I ever regretted being one."

"Oh really!? So the famous Zach Harris suffered the 'jerkism' syndrome before? Why don't you tell me who this girl is?" Jade asked amusingly, flinging her legs underneath her.

"Can't tell you!" Zach said with a huge grin.

"Why not, it's not like I'm going to tell anyone!" Jade smiled playfully and stretched her foot out, poking his leg.

"Sorry girly, I'm not telling you! Who's this guy that's being such a jerk to you?" Zach said sitting up, Jade could see the anger in his eyes and she smiled. "I swear…if he's done anything to you I'll…" 

Jade reached out and took his hands in hers, giving them a pat. "Don't worry about it; it's nothing for you to worry about! I can handle this guy on my own."

"Are you sure because…"

"I'm a big girl Zach," Jade assured him, not letting go of his hand.

"True! Because if that weren't true I would have to fight off every guy in this area to make sure they weren't fucking with you!" Zach joked to her and slid out of her grasp.

Jade bit her bottom lip and smiled evilly. "Is it any of your business who I'm fucking? I am an adult!"

"You know damn well I didn't mean that kind of fucking," Zach said. "But, since you brought it up who are you fucking?" he asked questioningly.

"It's none of your damn business," Jade responded, giving him a devilish smile.

"Who is this guy? I didn't think you even had a boyfriend!"

"I don't have a boyfriend."

Zach looked at her shockingly and chuckled. "So, you just go around fucking any random guy?"

"I'm not fucking anyone!"

"Who are you fucking?"

"Who are you fucking?" Jade asked Zach. "Don't tell me you don't have a girlfriend?"

Zach shifted in the couch seat and scooted closer to her. "Then I won't tell you I don't have a girlfriend, when I don't." After, he said that Jade made sure to make a mental note of it. He wasn't attached to anyone! "So tell me who is this guy is?"

"Trust me when I say I'm not fucking anybody," Jade told him. Zach propped his arms on the couch, causing his shirt to tighten on his torso, catching Jade's eye.

"Jade?" Zach asked softly; barely even audible above the television set. 

"Yea," Jade responded with the same softness as his.

"Are you still a virgin?"

"I…I don't think it's any of your business if I am," Jade said reverting the question. She turned her head away from his gaze, but could feel him staring at her. She expected to find him looking at her oddly, thinking she was some unwanted old meat! She looked slowly at him, catching his warm smiled. Warm wasn't the word for the look he was using. It was more of a predatory look!

"Most guys find that very attractive in a woman," Zach said sincerely. 

"Really!? I thought 'most guys' wanted girls who could give great blowjobs?" Jade giggled.

"Not me, I find it really…" Zach started. He locked his eyes with Jade and watched her exhale. "I find it very arousing!"

Jade lifted her eyebrows at him skeptically. "How is a woman's virginity arousing to you?"

"I don't think I should tell you," Zach told her smoothly, looking over at her. Jade allowed her feet to fall to the floor, causing her to lean into Zach's lean form.

"This could be valuable information…come on please!" Jade begged, linking her arm with his, hugging it closely to her chest.

Silence cascaded the room and the only noise was soft whispers from the TV. 

"Did you know I'm a romantic?" Zach said breaking the silence. "I believe if you are truly in love with someone it's ok to show your affection for one another in public."

"You a romantic I can't believe it!" Jade laughed. "So you're a romantic, but what does that have to do with you being aroused by virgins?" Zach looked at the TV and smiled slightly. "Fine, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I'm going to bed I do have to go to school tomorrow!" Jade said, letting go of his arm and shifting off the couch. 

She was about to move over Zach's legs when he grabbed her wrist and pulled her down on him. She gasped at the assault, as she found herself straddling his lap, his hand held her by the waist to keep her firmly in position. 

"Zach what are you doing?" Jade asked him, looking into his eyes for a brief moment.

"You want to know why I find virgins so arousing. I find it arousing that she's never been touched intimately. The thought of being the first guy to make her quiver at a single touch is so overwhelming," Zach tenderly let out. "Caressing and kissing her to find that one spot that makes her knees go weak, that one spot she never knew existed. To be her first lover and be responsible for showing her that fucking, sex, making love can be intensely wonderful." Zach threw his head back on the couch and sighed. 

This gave Jade the opportunity to swallow and shift in his lap. He was making the conversation go in a dangerous path! The gruffness of his voice, made her feel the passion in it. 

"To know that, that one split second where she's in pure bliss and whispers out a name, that belongs to you, and feels for the first time something she's never felt in her life…is arousing!" Zach said. "Are you ok?"

"Uhhhh…y...yea," Jade hesitated.

"That's why I didn't want to tell you," Zach said smiling. He took his hands off of her waist and gave her a wink.

"What's that?"

"I knew I would affect you!" Zach said pompously.

"You didn't affect me!" Jade lied and bit the inside of her cheek.

"I didn't" Zach asked.

"You didn't sicko!"

"Did you know when a female is turned on her skin can be really sensitive to…" Zach reached his hand out, tugging the blue strap, of her spaghetti strapped shirt, slowly over Jade's shoulder. "Any touch?"

Jade gasped at the feel of the strap moving down her shoulder. What was he doing? "Zach…" Jade whispered. 

"Shhh…" Zach said, sitting up straight so his back was pressed firmly on the couch. He removed his hand from her strap and slid it down her spine to the small of her back.

"Zach…" Jade whispered again, but still Zach wasn't listening. He pressed her closer to him and placed a light kiss on her exposed shoulder, causing her to gasp. "Wha…" she said as her body melted. She squeezed her thighs together at feel of his tongue trailing down her shoulder and back up again. She wanted to lean into him, to just give in, but she couldn't! She didn't move, she didn't utter a syllable, her mind just turned to jelly.

"Your skin is as soft as I thought it was," Zach said raspily in between kisses up her neck. Jade bit her lip and closed her eyes, trying not to give in…but it was too damn hard! She opened her eyes suddenly when he nipped at her ear. "Just let go…lean into me!" he whispered in Jade's ear, causing her to tremble.

"Oh…"Jade finally let out when Zach took her ear in his mouth. She had to get away from him or she was going to lose control in the situation! "Zach stop it!" she said breathlessly.

"I can't I'm lost in you!" Zach told her, sucking on her ear lightly.

"Don't do that."

"Do what? Whisper in your ear or make you want something that's forbidden?" Zach murmured in her neck.

Jade squeezed her eyes close and with one quick movement she lept out of his lap. "I…I…I've got school tomorrow…I have to…sleep," she panted, pulling her strap up her shoulder. Zach had a longing look on his face and Jade just wanted to go back on his lap, but she couldn't do that! "Goodnight!" She stepped over his feet, almost falling because her knees gave out, but she balanced herself out. 

"Goodnight Jade!" Zach said. Jade looked back at him over her shoulder and ran up the stairs. Closing her door, but leaving it cracked, she let out a deep sigh. She sat down on the floor and wrapped her arms around her legs.

"I guess he's into to me more then I thought!" Jade told herself. She touched her shoulder lightly and smiled. "He's way, way, way, more into me then I thought!"

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