What a Night!

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A million and one questions popped into Jade's head, but she knew she would never get them answered. There she was on the couch with Zach on top of her who was very much…aroused. This is why he didn't want to share the same bed as her? 

"Now do you understand?" Zach asked against the crook of Jade's neck. 

Jade let out a groan. "I…" she whispered. She felt his hands trail under her shirt and gently rub the side of her stomach.

"I'm dangerous around you when we're like this. I haven't been in a relationship where sex wasn't always an object. This is the first relationship where I am being very serious with someone, Jade," Zach began. "The reason I stopped coming into your room and sleeping with you was because my body started to react to you at night. At first, it happened every time you would roll over or squeeze me as you slept, but then it happened when you weren't even touching me. I could feel your warmth through everything and it really excited me. I'm a man after all and I do have needs, but I didn't want to take advantage of you. I love you too much to even go there with you and I want to take it slow…"

Jade's eyes fell to the side of his head and a smile crept on her lips. "Why are you so self-centered?" When Zach propped himself up, with his arms, Jade's smile widened. "Why do you think everything's about you? Do you think that you're the only one with those kinds of feelings or desires?"

Zach moved from atop the girl and sat on the opposite side of the couch, while giving her a bewildered stare. He folded his hands in his lap, while allowing one of his feet touch the floor. Jade sat up and folded her legs underneath her body, but the smile still stayed on her face.

"What are you talking about you silly girl?" Zach asked.

"Sometimes I feel it too when your around me. I feel it every time you kiss me or hold me in anyway, but that's what I need from you."

Zach raised his eyebrows. "You need me to make love to you?"

"No you asshole," Jade giggled. "I need you to be with me. I just want you to know that I truly understand the circumstance that you are under, but you've gotta realize that it's not just about you."

"I just don't want us to lose control and…"

Jade crawled over to the opposite side of the couch bumped her head on Zach's chin. "I say you throw that away."

"Throw what away?" Zach asked against Jade's black hair.

"Throw away that speech about wanting to take my virginity at a perfect time…"

"But…" Zach interrupted.

Jade removed her head from under his chin. "We both know that it's all bullshit. Whatever happens between us in the sexual way just happens. We don't have the ability to control that no matter how much you want it to seem." Jade sat on her calf's and smiled at Zach. 

"I…just…us…" Zach sighed and stroked Jade's hands. "It's just that I don't want to hurt you or lose you in general."

Jade giggled. "You won't have to worry about that Zach. As long as you share the same bed as me tonight," Jade said mischievously. Zach's mouth opened and then it closed quickly. Jade made a slight pout with her bottom lip, but Zach turned his head to avert her look.

"Jade I don't know..."

"Please?" Jade begged and bounced a bit on the couch like a whiny kid. When Zach looked at her she held his gaze leaving him no where else to look, but into her eyes. His mouth opened, yet nothing seemed to come out in time because Olivia came out from her room. Jade's mouth fell open when she noticed that Olivia was wearing a yellow, frilly, and very exposed nightie. She definitely wasn't a shy one at all.

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