Chapter 19: Nothing More

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Warning: Contains sexaul situations be responsible for your own actions.

Chapter 19- Nothing More!

Josh stood, looking at Jade. "That's what you had your mind on." 

"Josh…" Jade sighed out.

"Hey, man can I talk to you for a minute?" Zach butted in, softly grabbing Josh's shoulder. Jade watched in curiosity as a few whispers were exchanged between the two. Too bad her ankle was hurting like hell or she would be listening in on the two. "Thanks," Zach said, patting Josh's back. They moved to the front door and Josh flashed Jade a smile before walking out. 

Jade looked in the window to watch Josh drive off. 

"So, how's the ankle?" Zach asked, walking into the living room with a smile.

"Wha….wha…" Jade stuttered. 

"Let me get that ice," Zach said, reaching for Jade's ankle. Attentively he took the bag of ice, which now turned to water, from out of its dark spot in the brace. Jade watched Zach go into the kitchen to throw the bag away, coming back to the couch. He picked her feet and placed them on top of his legs. "What would you like to watch?"

"What….what would I like to watch?" Jade began as calmly as possible, but anger could be heard in the back of her throat. 

"Yes, what would you like to watch?" Zach asked again. "Or are you hungry? If you are I can stir something up for you…"

"Shut up and tell me what the hell you said to Josh!" Jade yelled. She expected him to tell her, she expected him to do just that, but instead he pulled her into his lap.

"I told him what he wanted to hear," Zach said quietly.

Jade looked up at him blankly. "Like I know what the hell that means…"

"I told him what he wanted to hear and that's all you need to know."


Zach tenderly kissed Jade on her lips to silence her. "Mmm…just don't worry about it ok? Trust me," Zach said, giving Jade another kiss. "You do trust me right?"

"Uh…yea, I do," Jade said quietly, leaning into Zach's chest. His arms instantly wrapped around her body possessively when she did. She looked up at his face, which was staring at the TV, and she smiled weakly. Of course she trusted him, more then anything, but something in her stomach told her that everything wasn't ok. Not wanting her to go into details with him at the moment, Jade laid her head on his chest. His heartbeat played through her ears and it was very soothing, making her forget everything.

"Are you tired?" Zach asked softly, as he stroked her hair. 

"Just a bit…but I just want to stay here for a while," Jade told him. She moaned softly when Zach picked her up off of the couch. "No, I don't want to go to bed yet, I want to be with you," Jade squealed, when Zach began walking up the stairs. None of the words that floated out of her mouth seemed to reach his ears because she was in her bedroom. She got ready to land on her bed, but was amused when Zach sat her in her desk chair. 

"Stay there," Zach advised Jade as he walked to the other side of her bed. Jade smiled and wrapped her arms around her legs. 

"What are you doing boy?" Jade asked, when turned down her bed sheets.

Zach sent her a halfway smile. "I'm trying to get you set for bed. Now, you like to wear the black faded shirt when you go to bed?"

"Uh…yea, but how did you know…"

"I…I…may have…checked you out before our words were exchanged," Zach said, walking over to Jade's closet.

"What words are you speaking of?" Jade asked. 

Zach chuckled lightly as he grabbed the black faded shirt out of Jade's closet. "Well hypothetically they were said over the vacation period, but still." Zach closed the closet and stood back to look at Jade, who was watching him amiably. He walked over to her and handed the shirt to Jade. "Here."

"I…don't want to," Jade said, softly. "I'm not tired." 

"You don't have to change if you don't want to."

"Really?" Jade asked, keeping a wiry eye on him as she stood up.

"Really," Zach told Jade. He pulled the shirt back from Jade's clutch and smiled evilly. Bending down quickly he swiped her up in his arms.

Jade squealed at the action and yelled when he threw her on the bed. She bounced two times on the bed and tried to sit up, but Zach's body weight was holding her to the bed. Goosebumps ran through her body when she felt his hands slide underneath her shirt. He slid the fabric up and over her head, tossing it to the side of the room. Shyness took over her whole body when she watched his eyes drift over her chest.

"What are you doing?" Jade asked Zach. He didn't answer all he did was look at her lovingly. His hands tugged at the button on her Capri pants, trying to get her pants off. He slid her pants down over her waist, legs, and off of her slim curvy form. He took a minute to look over her body and smiled. Jade sat up on her elbows and held Zach's eyes with her own. 

"Lift your arms," Zach instructed. Jade stretched out her arms letting Zach pull the shirt over her head. She had to sit up on her knees to let the fabric flow down her body. She grabbed Zach's wrist when she saw he was going. "What?"

"Well since you want to dress me and everything, "Jade giggled, moving to the edge of the bed. "But, you forgot one thing."

Zach raised his eyebrows. "What's that?"

Jade looked down shyly and laced her fingers with Zach's, bringing them to her mouth to kiss them gently. "I don't wear a bra when I go to sleep," Jade responded softly.

"…wan…want me….to…uh…" Zach stuttered, a bit surprised at Jade's forwardness. 

Jade kissed Zach sweetly, but only for a quick second, and then pulled at the bottom fabric of his shirt. 

"What are you doing?" Zach asked when Jade began to tug on his shirt. 

"I'm trying to undress you asshole," Jade said smugly. She licked her lips at the sight of Zach's chest. It was at the most very tantalizing; she just wanted to give it a touch, a kiss, a lick, or all of the above. What did she think she was doing anyway? Here she was alone…in her room with Zach! She had just said she was trying to undress him, but she didn't mean it in that way. All she wanted was for him to stay with her for the night and that's all. Didn't she? She suddenly gasped when she felt her bra loosen around her body. 

Zach was looking at Jade playfully, his shirt completely undetected. "How do I get the rest of the bra off? Your shirt is kind of in the way…"

"Hmmm…you can take my shirt off," Jade said seductively. Zach's seemed to freeze for a minute, or he just didn't know what to say. Smiling a bit, Jade slid away from Zach to the middle of the bed. "Or can I just take it off myself," she said lifting her shirt up, exposing her stomach. She couldn't help but show a self satisfying smile, when Zach joined her on the bed. His eyes curiously looked over her body in a wanting matter. 

"Do you know what your doing?" Zach softly asked.

Did she know what she was doing? "I think I'm trying to seduce you Mr. Harris," Jade answered, pulling off her shirt. She quickly covered her chest when her bra straps skimmed down her shoulders. Feeling a bit shy, she began to push them back up her shoulders, but two hands stopped her. Her heart began to flutter when he cupped her cheeks into his hands, giving her a sloppy kiss. Her hands instantly wrapped around his neck, letting her bra fall onto the bed. Zach grabbed the back of Jade's knees, to make sure her back was on the bed. 

"I love you Jade," Zach moaned in her mouth as they fell onto the bed.

"I love you too Zach," Jade told him seriously. She didn't realize that at the very moment she was positioned underneath Zach's body, semi-nude. Nor, did she realize that she was at the very moment unbuttoning Zach's jeans and sliding them down his body. She didn't know any of this at the moment because she was so into the kiss, until it ended. Jade arched her back, letting out a loud gasp at the wet feeling on her right nipple. She curled her toes when the sensation shot through her body again.

"You've never had a guy love you this way," Zach moaned on her breast. He lifted his head to look at Jade's face, which was now flushed, to watch her eyes flutter lightly. "You've never had a guy touch you this way…have you?"

Jade panted and looked into Zach's eyes. "No, I haven't."

"If…that's so…" Zach said, getting Jade's black faded shirt. He lifted Jade up and quickly placed the shirt on her upper body. "I don't want to do this with you now. The time isn't right."

"But, I don't mind," Jade told him.

"You may not mind, but I want your first time to be special Jade. You remember how serious I felt about that. Besides, wouldn't you want something more …more…more romantic then this?" Zach asked, speaking about the room. 

"Well…sure I guess," Jade admitted, looking around at the room. It wasn't that her room wasn't clean, but it really wasn't oh-so-neat. "I don't know what I was thinking anyway, I just wanted you to lay with me tonight anyway. See, what you do to me?" Jade laughed, fanning her face. 

Zach smiled. "Well you see what you do to me?" he said, pointing to his erection that was visible through his boxers. "You're a very fast worker you know. I thought I had my pants on!?"

"Oh…umm…I think I kicked them on the floor," Jade blushed. "Sorry."

"Don't be sorry you silly girl."

"Well…if you say so," Jade giggled. 

Zach kissed Jade softly, before moving beside her, pulling her into his lap. "I would love to lay with you tonight. But, tell me…"


"What can we do tomorrow? You don't have to go to work. I don't have to go to work," Zach stated. "What shall we do?"

Jade rolled her eyes when she heard the perverseness in his voice. "How about we go to the mall or something? I need to go shopping for some things for home."


"And don't you need some more paper for your printer?" Jade asked. "You don't want to finish with that story of yours and not have any printer paper."

Zach groaned in disgust. "Well…that's true. So, I guess we can have our first date at the mall. Even though, I really think it's a bad idea."

"What do you mean by that?" Jade asked, shifting underneath her bed sheets. Zach laid beside her underneath the sheets, giving her a soft kiss on the forehead.

"No reason."

"Well…if you're sure about that," Jade said, laying her head on top of Zach's chest. His body felt so warm, and comfortable. If heaven had to be anywhere…she had to wish that it was built on his body. Not, only was it more then warm, but it was all hers! What kind of girl wouldn't want him anyway, but thank goodness she caught him first.

"I love you," Zach sighed, to break the silence in the room.

"I love you too!" Jade replied. She listened to the sound of his heartbeat and closed her eyes. Yes, life couldn't get anymore better then this. Suddenly, Josh's image blanked through her mind. She began to wonder should she ask Zach about what he told Josh? She was about to ask him until the sound of deep breathing played against her ear. She smiled happily and decided that it was best if she asked later or yet not at all. Besides, she could be ok with not knowing at all…right?

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