11: Whatever It Takes

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Chapter 11: Whatever It Takes

Louis' POV

We were about ten minutes away from dinner with Valerie. I could tell that Eleanor was super nervous. I wouldn't blame her.

"Louis, will you help me please?" Eleanor called from the kitchen.

I walked through the kitchen, "What do you need me to do?"

"Set the table, while I finish dinner,"

I did as Eleanor asked and set the table. As I finished, there was a knock at the door. I heard Eleanor squeal from the kitchen.

"Ele, calm down... I'm sure I'll love her," I smiled.

"You don't know th-"

"Go answer the door," I insisted.

I honestly didn't know what to expect... Eleanor said she had a bad past, what was that supposed to mean?

My thoughts were interrupted when Eleanor walked in the room.

"Louis, this is Valerie," Eleanor joined hands with a girl.

She had black wavy hair. She wore a short, strapless black dress with a pair of red Converse. She many tattoos, not completely covering her arms.. but there was a lot.

"Nice to meet you, Louis," She smiled.

"'S nice to meet you too."

"How about you two go sit down and I'll make plates?" I suggested.

Eleanor and Valerie walked into the dining room. I walked to the kitchen. While I was making the plates, I heard Eleanor and Valerie laughing. I smiled, seeing Eleanor this happy made me happy as well as sad. I missed Harry... Everything reminded me of him. I missed being happy.

"Everything alright in there, Lou?" Eleanor called out.

"Uh, yeah... coming," I said, taking Eleanor and Valerie two plates of chicken Parmesan.

I went back in the kitchen to get my plate.

"So, Louis... How long have you and Eleanor been friends?" Valerie asked.

"Since birth, I guess... Our mums are best friends... So I guess we were bound and determined to be friends,"

"How sweet," She teased.

"We've been through a lot, Val," Eleanor added.

"You got a girlfriend?"

"Well, um... a boyfriend actually,"

"Oh," She whispered.

"It's complicated," Eleanor and I said in unison.

"But we're working on it,"

"This meal is amazing," Valerie broke another awkward silence.

"It was all Ele, I didn't do anything," I said.

There was a knock at the door. I saw Eleanor look at her phone.

"Do you know who it is?" I asked.

Eleanor shrugged her shoulders, "Go see,"

I was a little confused, but I ignored it. I got up and walked to the front door.

"This better be important 'cause you're interrupting dinn-" I started to say, but stopped when I saw who was standing outside.

"Hi boo," He smirked.

"Harry, what are you doing here?"

"I, uh... Eleanor invited me,"

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