I'm Glad I'm With You Again.

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Narrator's p.o.v.
"Ok so here's the thing. I want you to help me leave the Mindscape and enter your dimension."

"How can I help? I'm just human."

"Listen (Y/N), you're not 100% human like you think you are. I know you don't remember anything about this, but believe me. You are a being with many abilities."

"Me? A being with many abilities, how is that even possible?"

"Look (Y/N), I can help you remember. I want you to remember."

"Remember? So I've always been like this?"

"Yes, you have," he answered.

"Let me ask one more thing. What are you going to do, if I let you into my dimension."

"I don't want to stay here for all eternity. Look I get it if you don't trust me, but please just help me."

You looked into his eyes. Something was telling you that you could trust him. You sighed and said,"Ok deal."

Bill smiled and a blue flame formed as he held out his hand. You took it and you two shook hands. Then you both let go and the blue flame went away.

"Ok, so how am I suppose to help you?"

"You can create portals."

"Wait what?!"

"Try it. Focus all of your thoughts into making one portal back to your dimension."

"But I-"

"Please just try it (Y/N)."

You sighed, turned around, and closed your eyes. You cleared all thoughts, expect for one which was your new home in Gravity Falls. You focused on that one thought and felt a slight wind pass by you. When you opened your eyes, you saw a circular portal.

"I-i did it. I really did it!," you exclaimed.

"Great job, kid! I knew you could do it!"

You both walked in front of the portal and went through it. After that you saw your room. You smiled brightly knowing you were finally back home. Bill looked around your room, then out the window.

"Gravity Falls! It's been a while since I've been here."

"Shhhh. Bill not too loud, my parents might hear you."

"Oh sorry."

"It's fine."

He floated over to you and smirked,"So where am I going to stay? In here?"

You pushed him away awkwardly,"No. You're going to sleep in the guest room."

"You do know that I don't need sleep."

"Everyone needs sleep. You should try it."

"Well you're as bold as ever. Ok."

You pointed to the left wall,"It's that way. Right next to this room," you said and walked to the door.

"Ok," he started floating towards you following.

You opened the door and looked both ways down the hall to make sure no one was there, luckily no one was. You then led Bill to the door next to your room. You opened it and both of you went in.

"Just stay here. I'll check in with you in the morning."


When you turned around, he hugged you. This made you blush slightly.

"I'm glad I'm with you again," this only made you blushed twice as much.

When he pulled away he handed you something. With that you left back to your room, still blushing. You looked at what he gave you and it was song lyrics and a photo of you and bill. Expect you looked younger.

You looked happy in the photo. 'So we knew each other when I was younger? That would example why he seemed so familiar, too.' Although, you still couldn't remember anything.

"Why can't I remember my childhood?"

Siren's Mystery (Bill Cipher x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now