Easter of Truth and Fear.

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(Yay! I went to a party the day before Easter, it was so fun! I had a fake mustache. XD Also I'm getting to the end of this story.*sobs in the corner*)

Mabel's p.o.v.
Today's the day, yes it's Easter! I shook Dipper until he was awake. "Dipper! Wake up! Don't you want you want to eat candy for breakfast?! Do you even care about the candy anymore?!"

"Alright fine Mabel I'll get up."


I dragged Dipper downstairs and there was our baskets filled with candy. "Candy!!!"

"You kids are up already?"

"Happy Easter grunkle Stan!"

"Oh uh yeah... Happy Easter."

"Grunkle Stan where is Ford?" Dipper said as I thought, 'Did something happen?'

"He's probably still in the basement doing his nerd work."

"Thanks grunkle Stan!"

After that, Dipper ran off to the vending machine. I didn't get it, why has Dipper been so stressed? I haven't seen him like this since he was trying to find the author of the journals. What's going on Dipper?

Dipper's p.o.v.
"Great uncle Ford?"

"Ah, Dipper please come in."

"Great uncle Ford, I have to tell you something about Bill."

"What is it?"

"Um... I have a theory that bill likes (Y/N). He was acting all strange when I went to talk to him. He kept getting mad at me when he asked him if he had feelings for her."

"Really? Then (Y/N) has to be the one."


Narrator's p.o.v.
"Alright Bill let's go."

"Ok, but can we go to a different party? I have a bad feeling about this one.

"Oh please. Bill stop being a jerk."

"Sorry love."

You both left to the Mystery Shack. When you both got there Dipper and Mabel were prepared. Plus candy and grenda were there, which made things more exciting.


You went over to Mabel, leaving Bill behind. While he was looking around Dipper walked over to him. Bill noticed Dipper right away and teleported them outside,"Yes Pine Tree?"

"You came to the party?"

"I can't have you making a move on my girl."

"What are you talking about?"

"Dipper I confessed to her, and now she remembers us."

"She remembers what?"

"Her powers, her life with me and her feelings! What do you think I meant when I said I've known her way longer than you?!"


Mabel's p.o.v.
I couldn't find Dipper anywhere, then I heard yelling coming from outside. When I looked out the window Bill was yelling at Dipper about a 'her' remembering something. Wait is this why Dipper's been so upset?

"Hey the party's starting, so you two should join."

"Mabel! Uh right."

"Sure shooting star."

You all had an Easter egg hunt, ate candy, and a bunch of other activities. You laughed as Mabel told you jokes and funny stories from her and dipper's past. Then it was getting late, and you had to leave.

"Oh hey (Y/N) before you leave can I ask you something?"

"Yes Dipper?"

"How long have you known Bill?"

"Honestly, I knew him when I was younger and now I met him again."

"Oh I see."

"Bye guys!"

"Bye!," they said unison.

As you and Bill were leaving their porch, you noticed a little man with large white hair in the yard. "Pines family give me the shack or else you all will regret it!"

Stanley walked out and yelled,"No! I refuse!"

"Then you shall feel the rage of Gideon Gleeful!"

"Rage? What rage?"

"Beware! Something big is gonna happen! You'd better prepare yourselves for the worse!"

"Whatever," then he closed the door.

You and Bill walked home in silence. When you arrived at your house, you ran straight to your room. You were exhausted from the party.

"If Gideon is planning to do what I think he's doing, then we're all really in trouble."

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