A Date With Cipher.

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Bill's p.o.v.
I woke up to the sun shining in the guest room. 'Today's my day with (Y/N)!' I smiled brightly, got ready, and went into (Y/N)'s room.

She was still sleeping. 'She's so cute when she sleeps.' I started petting her hair, then leaned down and whispered in her ear, "(Y/N) it's morning."

Narrator's p.o.v.
You slowly sat up rubbing your eyes, looked at bill, and replied,"Oh good morning bill."

"You should get ready (Y/N). Today's my day with you. Today you are mine."

You blushed and said,"Whatever, I did say I would spend today with you, so we can do what you want."

"Oh (Y/N) I'm so glad you're interested in what I want to do."

"I can still change my mind."

He wrapped his arm around you,"But you won't."

You looked at him,"Please can you go, so I can get dressed."

"Ok fine," then he left back to the guest room.

You got out of bed, got dressed, and brushed your hair and teeth. You went to get something to eat, when you heard laughter. 'What's going on?' you thought.

"Oh (Y/N) look who showed up at the door."

"You know him, mom?"

"Of course how could I forgot. When you were younger you two were like-"

"I'm sorry, but we really should be going (Y/N)," he interrupted.

"Oh of course, now you two run along and have fun. Nice to see you again bill."

"You too ma'am."

She closed the door and you two started walking toward town. You were so confused,'Even my mom knows bill, but I don't remember any memory of bill in the past.'

"You must be hungry."


You two stopped by Greasy's Dinner and ate breakfast.

Dipper's p.o.v.
I was walking around town. I pasted by Greasy's Dinner and looked through the window. I saw (Y/N) and bill.

'Are they on a date?'

Then Mabel dragged me off somewhere. Seeing them together makes me feel upset. Then I pushed those thoughts aside and helped Mabel.

Narrator's p.o.v.
"(Y/N) I want to bring you somewhere."

"Um ok."

You both left and he teleported you two into the forest. "This way."

You followed him for a few minutes. Then you walked into an opened area. There you saw a beautiful waterfall.

"Wow this is amazing."

"I'm glad you like it."

You walked close to the water.'It's deep enough to go swimming. Although, the weather still wasn't right for swimming.'

"(Y/N) I want you to practice something here."

You looked at him, "Like what?"

"You always wear a fake tail and fake ears for your performances, right?"

"Yeah. I am Wildcat. It goes with the name."

"Try forming ears and a tail with your powers."

You sighed,"Fine."

You focused and waited. When you opened your eyes, nothing. You frowned, "Why didn't it work?"

"Try thinking about your performances."

You did as he said and remembered your performance at Gravity Falls. Then you remembered bill kissing you.

You blushed, opened your eyes, and threw a rock far enough that it disappeared in the distance.

"You did it."

"What?," then you saw a blue tail. "I did do it."

"Whatever you thought about worked."

'So he didn't read my mind.'

You both sat by the water, talked and did magic tricks for most of the day. You were really happy and your tail kept going side to side.

"I see you're having a good time."


"I can tell from your tail. That's what cats' tails do when they're happy."

"Ok so, is that a problem?!"

Then you felt his lips on yours. "(Y/N) you're never a problem."

You were too in shock to say anything. You didn't notice that he got up, until he said,"Let's go."

You went to get up, but tripped. You accidentally grabbed bill and you two fell on the ground. You looked up and saw bill on top of you.

You both blushed looking into each other's eyes. Bill knew he could do anything to you right now, but couldn't. You were already kinda scared on what could happen.

He got up and helped you up as well. He teleported you both back to town. You and bill started walking back to your house because it was getting dark.

You grabbed his hand and he looked at you. Bill smiled and held on to your hand as well. "Hey bill how do you know my mom, and me? What happened in the past? Why can't I remember you?"

"(Y/N), I promise you will find out soon enough."

'What does that mean?' You thought.

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