Old Memories Return.

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(Ok wow it's been a while since my last update. I'm sorry, but to make it up here's the next chapter. VERY IMPORTANT CHAPTER!!!!!!!! Love~ Neko)

Narrator's p.o.v.

"Mommy where is he? Why isn't he here? Did he forget about me?"

"Oh my little (Y/N). How could he forget about you?"

Ding Dong.

"Mommy that's him! He's here!"

"How do you know?"

"I can tell."

You ran to the door in your favorite pink cat jacket hoodie, and skirt. You opened the door to a blond haired boy that was a bit older than you. He smiled and patted your head.

"Bill!" You hugged him smiling brightly.

"My dear (Y/N)." He smiled and hugged back.

Your mother walked in and smiled as well,"Please Bill come in."

"Thank you Mrs. (L/N)," Bill then let's go of you and walks in.

"Bill! It's snowing!" You said as you looked out the window.

"Well my little (Y/N), why don't you go put on some really warm clothes and we'll go out and play."

Your smile grew as you ran to your room and put on warm winter clothes. When you came back Bill was speaking with your mother. When he noticed you he got up and walked over to you.

"Well let's go."

You and Bill had the best time as always. You both had a snowball fight, made snowmen and snow angels, and Bill showed you tricks with his powers. You were having lots of fun, but something was off. It was Bill. Yes he was always happy with you, but he seemed a little different today.

You both sat on a bench watching the sun slowly go down. You decided to ask Bill if he was ok. So you got up and looked at him.

"Bill what's wrong?"

"Nothing my dear. Why do you ask?"

"Bill please don't lie to me."

Bill looked at you closely and noticed tears forming in the corners of your eyes. He looked down at the ground and frowned. "You know me too well."

"Something bad has happened. Someone must've noticed your unnatural abilities. The government are going to take you away and test you."

"What does that mean?"

"You may never see your family again, or me."

"Bill please don't let them take me away! I don't wanna leave my family! I don't want to leave you!"

"I'm going to do something, but when I do this you won't see me for a while. These memories of us will be hidden away. Also your powers will be sealed away until we meet again."

"When will you be back?"

"I'm not sure."

"Is it for us?"


"Then promise me you'll be back!"

"I promise my little (Y/N). So then it's a deal? I'll be back, but only if you agree." He held out his hand to you and waited for your answer.

"Deal." You took his hand and you both shook hands.

When you let go of his hand you hugged him. He hugged back tightly and stayed like that for a minute before you started to glow.

You cried a little as you felt him cry on your shoulder. "I'll wait for you Bill." You pulled back and smiled as you looked at him, then everything went black.

You woke up in your bed the next morning, but you didn't remember a thing. It was your first day at your knew school and you hoped to make some friends.

~Time Skip to Elementary School~

You walked through the door not knowing where to go. A young boy with black hair and blue eyes walked up to you and asked,"You must be the new student."

"U-um yes I am. My name's (Y/N)."

"Nice to meet you (Y/N)! I'm Brandon!" The boy smiled brightly at you.

He walked you to your classroom, which he was luckily in too. The teacher made you introduce yourself to the class and told you to take a seat by Brandon. 'My lucky day!,' you thought smiling. Things were going great that day. Your music teacher even commented your singing.

Everyday after that was spent with Brandon. He was your best friend. You two did almost everything together.

You never knew the life you had before you met Brandon. It felt like you could almost remember, but it wouldn't return. It was a little strange.

In the mindscape hid Bill watching over you. He was glad you were happy. He was also worried.

He erased the supernatural information about you from all papers, devices, and minds. He didn't want to just appear out of nowhere and scare you. So he waited for the perfect moment.

When you turned 15, that's when your parents decided to move to Gravity Falls, Oregon. You weren't quite happy about the idea at first, until your little dream in the car. That's when deal was beginning to settle.

---Back to the Present---

You woke up to find yourself in your bedroom. You thought back everything you remembered. Then you realized, "Bill?!"

Bill rushed into your room as fast as possible. "(Y/N) you're awake!" Then he hugged you without hesitating. "I was so worried about you."

You hugged him back and you both sat there on your bed for a few minutes. "Bill."

"Yes (Y/N)?"

"I remember."

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