Valentine Kisses, Old Friend, and Singer's Secret.

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(Click the pic above🔝
When (Y/N) changes her hair and eyes. If you look at the story cover that's what it looks like. Reminder: this chapter has music in it. Slide the picture and click the video at the top to still to the song. Wildcat is a nightcore singer too.)

Narrator's p.o.v.
Everyday for the next month and a half you and bill only became closer. Mabel had become a close friend of yours. Dipper had finally told you the true nature of Gravity Falls and you two went on adventures together. Soos and Wendy had also become really good friends of yours, too. Stan even allowed you to help around the shop every now and then. Things were going great.

Stan's big party was today. Everyone was excited and Wildcat, which was you, was the main attraction of the party. You had also invited bill to come too, which of course he agreed to.

There was only one problem. You had promised Mabel that you would be there. So your parents gave you a certain time and then after that you get to spend the rest of the party how you want.

It was almost time for the party to start and you had to be there early and ready.

"Hey (Y/N)."

"Yes bill?"

"This is a good chance to try out a few of your other powers. Remember your not 100% human."

"Yes I know that. And ok what should I try doing."

"First, portals can transport anything anywhere. Try changing clothes without touching them," then he turned around.

"Ok," you focused and eventually your clothes had changed. "It worked."

He turned around to look at you again. "Ok great job. Next change your hair and eye color."

You focused on these two things and when you looked in the mirror they had changed. You were suprised. It seemed so easy now.

"Oh and one more thing. Close your eyes."

When you closed them, you felt him put something around your neck. "Ok, now open." You opened your eyes and looked in the mirror and he had put a necklace with two hearts and two stones that were (fav color).

You smiled brightly and hugged him. "It's a little Valentine's present. Do you like it?"

"I love it bill. It's beautiful. Thank you so much."

"Your welcome (Y/N)."

You looked at him smiling with your arms still around his neck. He began to lean in and close his eyes. Your blush grew the closer he came. Right when your lips were about to touch there was a knock at the door.

You quickly pushed bill back which caused him to almost fall. Luckily he floated before he hit the ground. You looked at him blushing like crazy,'Was he about to kiss me?!'

"(Y/N), We have to leave in a few minutes. So please hurry."

"Ok dad."

When you looked back at bill, you saw him blushing. You two just stayed where you both were for a minute. Then he said,"Well um you should probably go now. I'll see you there."

He disappeared before you could say anything. You looked in the mirror one last time and then left to the car. The party was at the Gravity Falls Highschool gym, and when you arrived the place was pretty big.

Then you felt like you were being watched and when you turned around you saw Mabel staring at you. You sweatdropped, 'This is kind of uncomfortable.' You walked over to her smiling and said,"Hi. You're related to the director of the party right?"

"Yes I am and you're Wildcat! Also you're talking to me, too!"

"Well yes. Your name is Mabel right?," you asked pretending not to know her.

"Yes I'm mabel!"

"Well I wanted to ask if you would like to sing with me? There's a song that I want to sing, but I need more people to sing with me. Also I was told that you know all of the songs I'm singing, but between you and me I'll be singing a suprise song."

"OH MY GOSH!!!!! I would love to!!!"

"I'll call you on stage when I need you."

Then I walked to the backstage. People were beginning to come in. This was beginning to look like a real party.

When you looked behind the curtain you saw bill waiting by himself. 'I wonder what it would be like if he actually kissed me.' You began to blush again,'Wait what?! Why am I thinking about that?!'

There was a person on the stage with a mic. Then everyone silenced,"I would like to present a special singer, one of the top singers of the year, Wildcat!"

Then you walked onto stage,"Hello everyone! I'm glad I could be here with you all right now. It reminds me of when I first started singing on stage. Now I will be singing Airplanes. Can Mabel Pines please come to the stage?"

Everyone looked suprised as Mabel came on stage. "Ready?"


(You may play the song now readers)

After we finished the song, everyone cheered. She left the stage and went over to Dipper. "Thank you mabel. Please everyone give Mabel some cheering." They all clapped and cheered out mabel's name.

(Time skip to the last song)

"Ok I'll sing one last song tonight! It's a surprise song I've saved just for tonight. It'll be Clarity. "

(You may now play the song

Once you finished you said,"Goodbye everyone have fun!"

You left stage, but as you were you saw someone. He had black hair and blue eyes. He was Brandon your singing partner and a childhood friend.

"Wildcat it's great to see you again. I would love to talk more, but I've got to get on stage. I'll see you later."

"Ok. See you."

You left stage and went to the women's restroom to change back. First you changed your hair and eyes. Before you could change your clothes someone walked in. It was mabel.


"(Y/N), are you her?"



"Ok fine! Yes I am!"

"Omg one of my best friends is a famous singer!"

"Ok Mabel. You can tell dipper, wendy, soos, and stan, but no one else. Promise?"

"I promise," then she left the restroom.

You hurried and used your powers to change clothes. Then left the restroom, too. You started looking for bill.

Then you felt someone grab your shoulder and turn you around. It was bill. "Hey great job (Y/N)."

"Thanks bill."

"No problem. Um hey I'm sorry about earlier."

"Don't worry it's fine."

"(Y/N) do you like me?"

"I-i don't k-know."



You were cut off by Bill kissing you. Your whole face became red, even your ears. He pulled away and smiled. "Happy Valentine's (Y/N)."

"Happy Valentine's Day Bill."

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