The Cherry blossoms

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Part one: Aria

"Oh the day is so lovely today don't you think?" "Yes, my lady it is," he was looking at me not the falling cherry blossoms. It was fall of my fourteenth year, in two days I would be fifteen. And be eligible for marriage. Thought I really wish I wouldn't yet any way. I wished to travel the world. I'm 5'9, have blue eyes, and long brown hair. My companion is my lifelong friend and now my body guard. He is 5'10, has piercing green eyes, and short blond hair. My name is Aria Amira; I'm from the country of the roses. My friend's name is Raphael and he is also from the country of the roses. Our parents are best friends and co workers. So I was raised to be a great wife because I was at that time had arranged marriage, but the boy always tried and sometimes succeed to hurt me.

So since we were little Raphael always protected me from Francis. So one day when they found Raphael with a choke hold on Francis and me behind Raphael crying with my hair cut all wrong; my parents found out why I had so many cuts and burses on my arms as well as my legs. Right then they broke the arranged marriage. His parents were there as well, so they agreed, apologized for his behavior and helped our parents in their business. Francis told me that I would pay for that day one way or another. So Raphael and I attended karate classes and became black belts. Raphael continued learning self-defiance such as Jujitsu, fencing, weaseling, and horseback riding. I on the other hand learned art, music, sword fighting, and archway.

Raphael became my body guard about six months ago, his reasons he wouldn't tell me. No matter how much I pleaded he refused to tell why he wanted and became my body guard so I left he be for the time being. But I told myself I would find out sooner or later.

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