The Meeting

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Part one: Aria

 I remember the day I saw Raphael again. He looked so handsome; it had been a long eight years. He no longer looked like the young boy I used to play with, but then again I had grown as well; I must look so different to him right now. I believed he had come to visit me till he got on his knees in front of me and pleaded hi loyalty to me. I felt like crying for two different reasons. One because Raphael was here with me and two because he had just gave up his life to be my bodyguard. All I could think was “I haven’t seen him in eight years, why did out meeting again have to be like this!!”

  We were both fourteen going to be fifteen in six months. I had two classmates who were guys their names are Romeo and Julian.  They turned fifteen in five months, and they are twins. I hugged Raphael with all my might, because I didn’t want him to get hurt. I wouldn’t let myself get caught or hurt so he wouldn’t have to worry about me. So I worked hard at school of handling, shooting of the bows and arrows. Raphael attended with me; Romeo and Julian jumped on me and hugged me tightly, Raphael was preparing to male them release me when I said “Hey, guys let go of me now!” they let go of me at once.

  Then they saw Raphael they asked “Who are you and why are you following our Aria?” they hugged me at that moment. Raphael looked at me to know if he may answer; I nodded my head slightly, he said “I’m Raphael, Aria Amria’s childhood friend, who just yesterday became her bodyguard. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” The twins said in reply “Oh, now we get it,” as they released me from their hug “Nice to meet you Raphael, our names are Romeo and Julian.”

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