The intruder

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  • Dedicated to To my SJHS friends

Part three: Aria, Raphael, Romeo, &Julian

They were close to her archery area, when suddenly a figure jumped in front of Aria and her companions. Raphael was already tense in front of his mistress and childhood friend. "Who is this person; and what does he want," Raphael thought. As the person stood, Raphael saw it was a man. He slowly straightens out of his crouch. He looked at Raphael casesusly. Then he spoke "I'm here for Aria Amria Rosalina. Do you it's time to pay your debt?" "What is he talking about?" they all wondered. Romeo and Julian were the first to speak at this "what the hell are you talking about?" "That is none of your concern little boys," was his reply. Now Raphael spoke "I demand you tell me, for she is my lady that I swore to protect! Speak now or you will lose your honor." "Oh is that so, well I assume I could tell you. Perhaps you heard the name before; my name is Nicolo Medici." "Who? I never hear of you before." Raphael was beginning to laugh as well as Romeo and Julian. "How dare you laugh at my name!!!" he screamed, "I will torture your lady in front of you that is what you must pay for laughing at my name! And you," he turned and pointed at me "Frances Micavilli sends his regards, Miss Aria Amria Rosalinda; you shall suffer greatly for what you done eight years ago!"

"Oh my" was my thought and as I turned to Raphael I saw the rage in his green eyes. I knew he had reached his breaking point, Oh, no this isn't good" she thought. I couldn't have guess that after all this time he still hasn't forgotten what Frances did to me so long ago. I still shiver when I remember it; I will for ever be scared that is on other reason why I will not marry very soon. Every time I close my eyes I see him standing above me and cutting into my skin with a pocket knife. And my being threatened by an assassin didn't help with Raphael's rage at the moment. "How am I going to stop him?" I wonder in my head, "Oh I know!!!" she thought. As she ran towered him she jumped off a broad used for launching tomatoes to shoot to a tree. She knew that this would distract him because he would not allow her to hurt herself as well as anyone else hurt her. What she didn't count for was that Romeo and Julian might also try to catch her.

They fell on top of each other, Romeo was on top of Julian and they were on top of Aria who was on top of Raphael. She was be pressed into him, "oh my, I didn't know he was so strong." She thought. He asked her "Are you alright?" "Yes, I'm fine thank you," she replayed. "He so sweet to me, his voice sounds like a sweet song of a nightingale. I never knew he was such a caring and loving soul" "what was she trying to do?" was his thought, "was her intent to distract me from the assassin to protect him or me? If it is me I never knew that she cared so much about me. I have this feeling clawing in my stomach; it feels as if I wish to press my lips to hers. But I can not and will not it is not right for a protector to fall for the one he is protecting." While our young pair was frozen over one and other, Nicolo decided to leave to report back to his master for the time being.

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