The Protector

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Part two: Raphael

"Oh she looks so beautiful today in her light blue gown; I can't believe it's been six months since I became her body guard!" The reason I did, I will not tell her. Ever since we were little I have protected her from Francis. So since the first time he hurt her I swore to myself that I wouldn't let it happen again, no matter the cost would be. I still remember that day it was the sixth day of September, she came home all covered up.Then she ran to our play house, I was just outside, so I went in and found her arms and legs had cuts and bruises. I helped her dress the cuts and iced the bruises. "Who did this to her,"was all I could think as I helped her and as I went to bed that night.

The next day I asked her "Who did this to you, Aria?" she answered "My fiancé, Francis," "Why?" "Because..." she started to cry "I don't know," she said between sobs. I hug her "How her parents could let her be treated like this, do they even know?" I asked her "Aria, did you tell your parents about this?" "No." she replied "Why not Aria?" I asked "Because," she said" he said he would say it was my fault because I didn't obey to him!"At this she cried harder. It was then when I swore to myself that this wouldn't happen again while I am here by her side. From then on I went with her to visit Francis' family, if I couldn't go she would refused to go without me. Then one faithful day they came to see how we were, when they walked in I had him in a choke hold for he had cut her hair all wrong because she was ugly therefore she should look like it.

Her parents saw with horror what her arms and legs really looked like and why. I was asked "Why did you have him in a choke hold?" my replay was "He had been hurting Aria for so long, but today he crossed the line and desired what I gave him." My parents as well as Aria's were surprised that I knew what was going on. And they were also angry because I didn't say anything, when they asked "why?" I told them that Aria pleaded me not to tell because she was afraid of what he would do to her. They also felt great relief and were thankful that I a child of six had defended so well. So we were signed up for karate, Aria and I became black belts. I continued to learn self defense as well as to fight and ride a horse. I became an eligible bachelor the day before yesterday, but my dear Aria needs protection.

Well after eight years of training I was able to ask Aria's parents, if I could become Aria's bodyguard. They asked "Why would you want to do that, you're a noble in Vence, Italy!" "That is true," I answered "but I don't think that anyone could protect Amria Aria like I can and will!" So here they looked surprised, I had to explain that I wished to protect Aria from danger. So they agreed that I could but only till she got married. She wouldn't stop asking me why I wanted to be her bodyguard. I gave no reply because she looked so beautiful; she had become a fine young lady in eight years.

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